Irmo Police have announced an arrest in connection with a shooting incident May 30. The Irmo Police were called after two vehicles were exchanging gunfire while traveling into the Friarsgate neighborhood. One of the vehicles crashed into another motorist. Four of the occupants from that vehicle fled the area onContinue Reading

Dale Sexton, Plant Manager at the Shaw Industries Irmo facility,  spoke to the Optimist Club of St. Andrews-Irmo May 14. Sexton has been in his current position for three and a half years, and serves on the Board of Directors of the Greater Irmo Chamber of Commerce. Further, the plantContinue Reading

The Lexington County Ag + Art tour is part of a larger effort by Clemson University Extension and its annual South Carolina Ag + Art Tour. This year 11 counties are participating with three new counties, Colleton, Charleston and Lexington added to the tours. The Lexington County tour will featureContinue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Richland County Sheriff’s Dept. (RCSD) Deputy Sarah Merriman was presented the American Legion (S.C. Dept.) Award for Bravery during ceremonies at the Columbia Marriot, Fri., May 28. The award reads: “For outstanding courage and bravery above and beyond the call of duty.” Merriman was similarlyContinue Reading

Lake Murray saw two major boating accidents over the Memorial weekend as thousands took to the water taking advantage of the mild temperatures and blue skies. A collision occurred around 10:30 pm Friday night near Suzy Ebert Island that sent five people to the hospital.    A pontoon boat andContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch You’ve read it before in this space: Seat belts save lives. But let me give that statement some weight: Between 2015 and 2019, seat belts saved more than 69,000 lives. That means 69,000 seat belts prevented families from grieving the loss of their loved ones for decades toContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Businesses in Irmo did well throughout the pandemic, according to a survey conducted by the Irmo Chamber of Commerce, the town of Irmo and the Irmo Future Growth Corporation. Irmo Mayor Barry Walker was pleased with the survey, which showed some businesses actually reporting growth during theContinue Reading

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has created a special Restaurant Revitalization Fund to provide assistance for eligible restaurants, bars, and other food service businesses impacted by COVID-19. To check if your business is eligible and for more guidance on applying for these funds please visit the site at: Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five celebrated its sixth year of the student-initiative Project SEARCH, graduating students from the program at Prisma Health Baptist Parkridge. The five students graduating in the class of 2021 include: Keontre’ Dawson (Irmo High), Jedaiah Gillings (Dutch Fork High), Hannah Knight (Dutch Fork High), Jermaine Simmons (IrmoContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch As the temperature continues to rise, traffic at Lake Murray is ramping up. The lake is a large part of the high quality of life we enjoy here in Lexington County. With more than 650 miles of shoreline, thousands of boaters, skiers and campers visit the water duringContinue Reading