Koon’s Watch As the temps ramp up for the heart of spring and into the summer here in Lexington County, I want to take a moment to remind you of some heatstroke prevention steps to protect your children and other little ones in your life. National Heatstroke Prevention Day wasContinue Reading

Megan vanVollenhoven, a senior at Chapin High School and the Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center), has been named one of only four students nationwide to receive the SkillsUSA/National Technical Honors Society (NTHS) Scholarship. “I have been very actively involved in SkillsUSA since my sophomore year, and I was thrilledContinue Reading

Wallick Investments, LLC’s faith, and factor-based separately managed account, Fidelis, was recategorized by Morningstar from Large-Cap Value to Mid-Cap Blend. As of March 31, 2021, WI Fidelis received a 5-star Morningstar RatingTM among 135 Mid-Cap Blend products for 3-year performance, and a 4-star Morningstar Rating for 5-year and Overall risk-adjusted-performance.Continue Reading

Form NFL football player and Ben Lippen High School standout star Samkon ’Sam’ Gado will be speaking about his decision to follow Christ from the football field to the medical field. On Friday, May 14, Gado will be talking about his time in the NFL and addressing drug addiction issuesContinue Reading

Midlands Gives Day, the annual 18-hour, online giving challenge hosted by Central Carolina Community Foundation, raised a record-breaking estimated total of $3,343,033 via 21,080 individual gifts. The eighth annual day of giving took place May 4, and supported 480 local nonprofits — the largest number of nonprofits in Midlands GivesContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Lexington-Richland District 5 is celebrating as two of its own have been named education champions. Chapin High School English Teacher Amy Carter was named South Carolina Teacher of the Year for 2022. District 5 Superintendent Christina Melton was named the State Superintendent of theYear by the SouthContinue Reading

By the time this article prints (May 13), the 1st regular session of the 124th SC General Assembly will have adjourned sine die. What does that mean? We are basically “done for the year” except for a few more days we will be called back. Those days are between MayContinue Reading

Dutch Fork Elementary Academy of Environmental Sciences has new honeybees in the media center observation hive. Lexington Soil and Water Conservation District Manager John Oxner brought the bees, which he was able to collect from a swarm, for Dutch Fork Students to safely observe up close and personal in theContinue Reading