Optimists Learn About Second Saturday Initiative

The St. Andrews Optimists were enlightened by a presentation from Jason Hill and Alex Zelling about the Second Saturday organization. This initiative, rooted in evangelism, extends assistance to households in need of home repairs, focusing on widows, orphans, single-parent households, disabled individuals, and the elderly.

Named after its monthly activity schedule, Second Saturday organizes teams of volunteers who gather on the second Saturday of each month. The day begins with prayer and planning, followed by teams visiting homes that require attention. The target homes are identified through thorough inspections, and teams work on prioritized action items, offering both practical assistance and spiritual guidance.

During the day, teams break for lunch, connecting the day’s activities to Scriptural life lessons. The initiative emphasizes community engagement, with teams interacting with neighbors, offering prayer, and sharing Christian principles. Second Saturday provides materials, food, and expertise at no cost to the clients, aiming to “make disciples who can make disciples.”

At the time of the presentation, Second Saturday had successfully formed ten teams for its projects. For more information, interested individuals can visit SecondSaturdayUSA.org.

Pictured are Alex Zelling, Optimist speaker sponsor John Mitchell, and Jason Hill. Mitchell presented the speakers with a copy of the Optimist Creed.