Construction is underway at Congaree National Park to replace aging sections of the park’s iconic boardwalk. Contractors from McGary Construction began work on January 6, focusing on sections B, D, and F, which have surpassed their intended service life. The project is expected to take approximately 18 months, with completionContinue Reading

A recent report from the National Park Service (NPS) reveals that Congaree National Park experienced a record-breaking 250,114 visitors in 2023, who collectively spent approximately $14,881,000 in nearby communities. This influx of spending not only supported 173 jobs in the local area but also contributed nearly $18,000,000 in total economicContinue Reading

Congaree National Park has announced the eagerly awaited dates for the 2024 Synchronized Firefly Viewing Event. Scheduled to take place from May 16th to May 25th, this annual spectacle promises mesmerizing displays of synchronized fireflies illuminating the park’s natural landscape. To manage the event effectively, passes will be required forContinue Reading

Congaree National Park has announced the dates for the 2023 Synchronous Fireflies Viewing Event, which will take place May 13-16 and May 19-24, and will offer the public opportunities to observe the synchronous fireflies. Passes will be required to enter the park on event nights and will be made availableContinue Reading

Congaree National Park has announced opportunities for the public to view the park’s fireflies from May 20-22 and May 27-29. In order to protect critical firefly habitat and provide optimum visitor experience, viewing will be limited to 120 vehicles per night. Tickets will be required to enter the park inContinue Reading

Congaree National Park is seeking entries for the Annual SwampFest Student Art Competition. Co-sponsored by the Southeast Rural Community Outreach (SERCO) and the Friends of Congaree Swamp, this year’s competition is an opportunity for young artists (grades K-8) from the Midlands to showcase their talent while celebrating the outdoors. ThisContinue Reading

Local Company offers guided kayak tours of the Park. Carolina Outdoor Adventures began operating in the Spring of 2015. The company was started by Billy Easterbrooks after several years of hosting kayaking trips and event planning for friends. “We started with guided kayaking trips on the Congaree River and areContinue Reading

Congaree National Park will be offering the public opportunities to view the park’s fireflies May 20-22 and May 27-29. In order to protect the health of visitors, staff, volunteers and community partners, the viewing will be limited to 25 vehicles per night. Tickets, which will be available through a lotteryContinue Reading

On January 7-8, the National Park Service and Friends of Congaree Swamp will be hosting a virtual symposium inspired by the themes of the Smithsonian Institution’s Water/Ways Exhibit. The exhibit, which is currently on display at Congaree National Park, dives into how essential water is to our life on ourContinue Reading

Congaree National Park and Friends of Congaree Swamp will be co-hosting the Smithsonian traveling exhibit Water/Ways from November 13 through January 13. According to the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum on Main Street “Water/Ways exhibition dives into water—an essential component of life on our planet, environmentally, culturally, and historically.” In 2019, theContinue Reading