By Al Dozier In an emotional ceremony Tuesday the Irmo Town Council adopted a proclamation honoring long-time Town Attorney Jake Moore, and announced that the Irmo Community Park will now officially be named the Moore Park. Moore, who was accompanied by a lot of family members including several grandchildren, wasContinue Reading

IRMO – Twelve members of the Lexington-Richland School District Five FFA (LR5 FFA) Chapter traveled to the 97th South Carolina State FFA Convention held at the Greenville Convention Center in Greenville, SC on June 18-20th. Over 1,200 FFA members and guests from around South Carolina attended the event to participate inContinue Reading

IRMO – The Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center) took 31 student competitors to Atlanta, Georgia from June 24-29, 2024, to compete across 15 different competitions spanning 6 career clusters at the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference. They joined over 17,750 people from across the country, including over 1,100Continue Reading

IRMO – Spring Hill High School has received the first 2024 Data Trailblazer Award from the SC Education Oversight Committee. Spring Hill High School was selected as the high school winner of the award by judges for demonstrating how they successively use data to improve student outcomes, help families andContinue Reading

Casey Pash, president of Junior Achievement of Greater South Carolina, has been selected as a finalist for the prestigious Junior Achievement USA (JA) Charles R. Hook Award. This award is presented annually to a JA Area president who demonstrates exceptional achievements in fostering the growth and development of Junior Achievement.Continue Reading

COLUMBIA, SC – Columbia Community Development has been honored with the prestigious John Sasso Award at the National Community Development Conference held in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This award recognizes the department’s outstanding efforts in promoting and celebrating the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) ProgramContinue Reading