By Mike DuBose All of us experience major distress during our lifetimes. As a result, our thoughts and emotions impact happiness, productivity, and relationships. Our mental and physical health are greatly affected by moods and circumstances. Some of us bounce back from life’s major problems, while others need extra helpContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose In our last article, we defined trauma and examined how many of us (or someone you know) are haunted by past tragedies. We learned that trauma has endless categories and how it impacts people differently throughout their lives. Sadly, as I researched the American staggering trauma statistics,Continue Reading

By Mike DuBose Following our recent series of finding happiness, we now turn to the darker end of the spectrum. Many of us have personally experienced or witnessed major trauma during our lifetimes that has resulted in unhappiness, traveling down unresolved, very painful roads of suffering, some from childhood orContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose In our last article, we encouraged you to look back over the last few years and assess your happiness using a scale (1=Miserable and 10=Extremely Happy). We wanted you to pause, dig deep into your soul, and evaluate your life’s journey. That’s important because you have toContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose Happiness is defined as a state of well-being—a joyful, meaningful life of contentment with a purpose. On the other hand, it’s never guaranteed. It can be overwhelming, as some researchers have noted, and being happy takes hard work, sometimes referred to as “endless struggles.” Where are youContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose Many of you recall the 1950’s as “The Good Old Days” described by historians as the most remarkable era in American history filled with members of the “Greatest Generation!” Now, pause and think back if you lived during that period. The younger crowd will find it hardContinue Reading

How many wise people do you know? Typically, they have a wide range of deep experiences and knowledge whereby you can seek sensible advice.  In his book, Rationality, Steven Pinker, Harvard University Psychology Professor and two-time Pulitzer Prize Winner, reports that being wise in recent times is scarce. He statedContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose The Wall Street Journal reports major car manufacturers have reduced their inventory to dealers 50-70% due to computer chip shortages, changing the automobile industry drastically! Most dealerships have limited new inventory and are selling cars thousands above MSRP! In fact, dealers in NC and SC didn’t haveContinue Reading

The New Testament By Mike DuBose We conclude our Biblical series with the New Testament, which is the story of the Messiah, Jesus, who was predicted in the Old Testament to come to Earth as both God and human to serve as a sacrifice for our sins so believers willContinue Reading

Part 3—The Old Testament and The Apocrypha By Mike DuBose The Old Testament, which comprised 39 books, experienced vigorous debate over 1,500 years. It guided the Jewish faith (called Judaism) which outlined ways people should behave and treat one another, worship and moral standards, and ethical guidelines. Both today’s JewsContinue Reading