Open Letter Yes, it has been very quiet this Irmo election. Some even ask, is there, or who is running? Is he “that guy,” is he really running? What’s going on? Well, let’s talk about this. Yes, there is an election for Irmo Town Council next Tuesday the 27th. Yes,Continue Reading

In the February 8 edition of The New Irmo News, Al Dozier provided a well-balanced article “Open Carry Bill Draws Fire” on recent action the SC Senate took in passing the “South Carolina Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act” (H-3594). This bill is based on the premise that there should beContinue Reading

Yes, there are two candidates that did file to run for the vacant seat for Irmo town council. But what was left out is one of the candidates, George Frazier, is the same one that filed to run last August and used an address of a home he hadn’t livedContinue Reading

To the Editor, I write in response to a recent letter that appeared to dismiss concerns raised about acandidate’s residency in Irmo. It’s troubling that valid questions are met with accusations ofracism and hostility. If voters aren’t allowed to ask questions to determine who should get theirvote, then democracy andContinue Reading

Have we moved forward or is racism not only accepted in some aspects of our lives, but encouraged. I was taught growing up that it was wrong to vote for someone solely on the color of their skin, their race, their gender, but on who they were, what they stoodContinue Reading

Open Letter I am Sheena Wilson, a parent of children in LexRich 5 and a tax-paying resident of the district. I would like to express my support for public education in the state of South Carolina and my concerns with the recent decision of this board to override the recommendationContinue Reading

Open letter I was very pleased to hear that the Town of Irmo has hired professional designers and consultants to review their space needs and make recommendations on solutions. Councils are elected to determine direction and manage the process of efficiently delivering town services. Now, of course, it will beContinue Reading

Dear Irmo Community, It is with great enthusiasm that I announce my intention to run for Irmo Town Council. As the current chairman of the Irmo Events Committee, I have had the privilege of spearheading numerous successful community events, including the 4th of July Laser Show, Unity in the CommunityContinue Reading

Open Letter Dear Editor, I am a 30 year Irmo resident, and I am writing because I’m very concerned about our children’s education. I am a lifelong advocate for education, a former teacher, and a long-time resident of South Carolina. Working with my grandchildren has opened my eyes to the factContinue Reading

Dear Hardy King, This is not a letter from the Birmingham jail, nor do we have an Edmund Pettus Bridge in Irmo. It appears that you have learned absolutely nothing from your mistakes as Mayor. I am referring to social media. In 1963, were the 16th Street Baptist Church bombersContinue Reading

Response to Hardy King’s Letter to Editor of November 30, 2023, regarding Phyllis Coleman’s Residency The Lexington County Election Commission’s finding as a result of a hearing on 11/22/23 regarding Phyllis Coleman’s residency, it was determined that Phyllis met the requirements to run for office in the town of IrmoContinue Reading