Local elections are the most important elections you will participate in, period. Your local representation has an exponentially important impact on your day-to-day life, more so than state, federal or global politics ever will. Aside from that, if you choose to uphold your civic duty to vote, the people youContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) will host his annual bus tour from August 14-17, 2023, where he will travel throughout South Carolina’s Second Congressional District making stops at local businesses, schools, and organizations. “Each August I host an annual bus tour where I visit all five counties across the Second CongressionalContinue Reading

Presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was in Columbia on Tuesday, July 18, to officially file for the presidency in our state. DeSantis made his way to the Republican Party headquarters where he was the first major party presidential candidate to file for South Carolina’s Republican primary. DeSantis madeContinue Reading

The newly elected Lexington County Republican Party leadership and Executive Committee convened for their first county party meeting since being asked to lead by convention delegates at the May 1 meeting and provided a change of direction from the past couple of years. “It was such great energy in thisContinue Reading

By Al Dozier At least two incumbents on the Lexington-Richland District 5 School Board have lost their seats in Tuesday’s elections, according to early reports on vote counts. In Richland County, incumbents Nikki Gardner and Tifani Moore lost their seats to newcomers Kevin Scully, a USDA employee, and S.C. BarContinue Reading

A strange message on a billboard is raising questions as to its meaning. While traveling through West Columbia on I-26 West, between exits 111 and 110, this billboard looms to oncoming traffic with a nefarious sounding message leaving those who view it pondering what it all means. That is exactlyContinue Reading

The Richland County Democratic Party wants to help ease the burden of food insecurity in Richland County and help prepare citizens to vote on November 3. From 1 – 3 pm on Labor Day, September 7, the party is sponsoring Drive-Thru Democracy – a food and voter registration drive. “ThisContinue Reading