As the holiday season approaches, students at The Center for Advanced Technical Studies are preparing for their annual poinsettia sale, a vibrant showcase of the students’ agricultural prowess and dedication to supporting their educational endeavors. Growing Excellence in Agriculture Education In the heart of The Center, students in the AgriculturalContinue Reading

A Lexington-Richland School District Five educator has received the National Education Association (NEA) Foundation’s Award for Teaching Excellence. Peter Lauzon is a member of the South Carolina Education Association (SCEA) and was nominated for the award based on his leadership and excellence in education. He has been a STEM educatorContinue Reading

From the onset of the school year, H. E. Corley’s faculty and staff have been committed to ensuring that “Every Student Matters, Every Moment Counts.” School-wide events such as the Crocodile Countdown, Grandparent’s Breakfast, Pumpkin Walk, and Trunk or Treat have provided families and the community an opportunity to comeContinue Reading

Several School District Five classrooms will soon benefit from grants provided by the Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative (MCEC). The Cooperative’s annual Bright Ideas program grants provide funding to teachers who have demonstrated innovative ideas for classroom projects. School District Five received nearly $5,000 in grants. School District Five grant recipients include:Continue Reading

By Lesli Reeves Loving and Growing our students is what we do at Irmo Middle School. Our afterschool program, The HIVE, is doing just that. Our mission at The HIVE (Hub for Interdisciplinary Values and Enrichment) is to foster a culture of innovation, inspire creative thinking and problem solving, andContinue Reading

River Springs Elementary School had a supply drive for their holiday baskets campaign for veterans. Students collected 727 cans of green beans, yams, mushroom soup, evaporated milk, cranberry sauce, and corn.Continue Reading

Spring Hill High School Teacher Cadets observed classes at Ballentine Elementary School recently as the students get ready for their student teaching in the spring.Continue Reading

The application to School District Five’s Spring Hill High School for the 2024-2025 school year opens on November 9. Spring Hill High School (SHHS), Career Pathways Magnet, opened its doors in August of 2013 as an all-choice, all-magnet public high school. The school is ranked as the number one OpenContinue Reading