Charles “Chuck” Larsen, Sr., 96, passed away January 5, 2024. Chuck was born in 1928 in Pensacola, Florida to Karl and Alma Bishop Larsen. At an early age, Chuck had a radio show where he performed, sang, and tap danced.  This was the start of his lifetime love of musicContinue Reading

Irmo, SC (Dec. 18, 2024) — The South Carolina Philharmonic recognized the Town of Irmo with its prestigious Partner Award during the December 17th Town Council meeting, celebrating the town’s enthusiastic support of the Philharmonic’s inaugural “Music in My Neighborhood” program. Robin Hallyburton, the Philharmonic’s Development and Deputy Director, presentedContinue Reading

By Al Dozier The town of Irmo is beginning a new effort to make Irmo a “beautiful” town.                                   At the Dec. 17 meeting the council approved a contract with Bowman Engineering to perform services in the amount of $10,500 to prepare cost estimates for beautification improvements to signalized intersections alongContinue Reading

By Al Dozier A new ordinance that received first reading approval at the Nov. 19 Irmo Council meeting could help renters who have problems with home maintenance issues. The ordinance creates “an occupant inspection request” which would provide the service free and enable town enforcement procedures to take place ifContinue Reading

A New Plan for Irmo The Town of Irmo is developing a new Comprehensive Plan to guide future growth while preserving the small-town charm that residents value. Working with a consultant team, Irmo is engaging in a ten-year revision process, including a new Future Land Use Map, as mandated byContinue Reading

By Al Dozier The Irmo Town Council Tuesday gave first reading approval to the adoption of a Comprehensive Plan designed to assure a positive growth for Irmo for the next 15 years. It’s a plan that’s been under study for the past several months and has included a lot ofContinue Reading