For the past few weeks, my colleagues and I have dedicated an enormous amount of time and energy to lay the foundation for this year’s state budget. We have focused on finding the best ways to use our state’s surplus funds, the federal ARPA funding, and dollars we’ve received forContinue Reading

The Biden speech tonight was a disconnect from the reality of his failure. Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s State of the Union address. “Tonight’s State of the Union was a sad presentation of a president in denial. “With this Administration’s failing policies ofContinue Reading

By Congressman Joe Wilson Why does Ukraine matter for American families? Simply put: energy prices, inflation, and the empowerment of our adversaries across the world. Putin wants to recreate the Soviet empire, divide our allies in Europe, and expand his malign influence across the globe. Rather than President Trump’s approachContinue Reading

I am grateful for the opportunity to have begun the new year by touring the district and talking to the media about my legislative focus areas for 2022. Joined by city and county officials along the way, our stops included West Columbia, Aiken, North Augusta and Barnwell. In each location,Continue Reading

By Al Dozier Irmo Council members and Mayor Barry Walker Sr. butted heads at January 18’s meeting over disclosure of the names of businesses and how much they received in the distribution of some $250,000 in relief funds. Walker said he has signed a non-disclosure agreement seeking the information butContinue Reading

Richland County celebrated its second-best year for capital investment during a launch event for the County Economic Development Office’s (RCEDO) annual report. The report, which RCEDO staff released Thursday at 701 Whaley in Columbia, highlights economic development successes throughout the year in the County, detailing announcements of new jobs, recentContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson hosted his annual legislative agenda press tour today in West Columbia, Aiken, North Augusta and Barnwell. Highlighting some accomplishments in 2021 and his focus for the new year, Congressman Wilson spoke about ideas to create jobs, generate economic growth, promote conservative solutions, combat inflation and safeguard ourContinue Reading

By Rep. Joe WilsonDecember 27, 2021 As we come to the end of 2021, it is important to reflect on the year’s accomplishments in Congress, while also acknowledging the challenges we face in welcoming the new year. Unfortunately, Biden and the Democrats remain in ‘leadership’ roles, and as a result,Continue Reading