Brown has served Irmo since 1997 In a special council meeting June 29, the Irmo Town Council voted to accept Irmo Town Administrator Robert ‘Bob’ Brown’s request to retire. Brown has served the Irmo community for the last 25 years and officially retires this Tuesday, July 6. “It’s been anContinue Reading

A new lawsuit bill was passed last week by Governor Henry McMaster that protects businesses from COVID-19 related lawsuits. The new bill, COVID-19 Liability Immunity Act, provides protection to health care providers and businesses that follow public health guidance. The ceremony for the signing was held at Cafe Strudel RestaurantContinue Reading

Richland County’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) reached a milestone this week, approving more than $5 million in assistance requests. The County still has funding available through ERAP, which can aid renters who have been impacted by COVID-19 and need help paying rent and utility bills. Funds do not haveContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Irmo Town Administrator Bob Brown received a positive evaluation from the Irmo Town Council during a closed-door executive session Monday, according to town officials. Irmo Mayor Barry Walker Sr. declined comment on the evaluation, noting it was an “executive session” that doesn’t require public disclosure. Town officialsContinue Reading

By Al Dozier The Irmo Town Council Tuesday gave final reading to an ordinance adopting the proposed 2021-2022 budget totaling $7,250,491. Mayor Barry Walker noted the budget funds a “world class” police department and town hall and does not impose millage on Irmo residents. The town is also expected toContinue Reading

For the fifth consecutive year, South Carolina’s Motor Fuel User Fee, which helps support road, bridge, and infrastructure construction in South Carolina, will increase from $0.24 to $0.26 per gallon beginning July 1. The increase is part of the South Carolina Infrastructure and Economic Development Reform Act passed by theContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Businesses in Irmo did well throughout the pandemic, according to a survey conducted by the Irmo Chamber of Commerce, the town of Irmo and the Irmo Future Growth Corporation. Irmo Mayor Barry Walker was pleased with the survey, which showed some businesses actually reporting growth during theContinue Reading

End of Session This week is National Police Week. Every day, the brave men and women of law enforcement leave their families and put their lives on the line to protect and serve communities around South Carolina. Thank you to police officers for your service. OverviewMeaningful and conservative legislation meantContinue Reading

By Al Dozier The Irmo Town Council gave first reading approval at the May 18 council meeting to a proposed operating and capital budget of $7,250,491. Council members were in agreement the budget reflected proper expenditures, with nearly half of the allocations going to law enforcement. Irmo does not imposeContinue Reading

Councilman Bill Danielson from the Town of Irmo was graduated from the Municipal Elected Officials Institute of Government recently. Graduates received their certificates during the Municipal Association of South Carolina’s virtual Hometown Legislative Action Week. Established in 1986, the institute is a program of the Municipal Association of South CarolinaContinue Reading