Dear Editor, Three of my sons attended District 5 schools. They attended Irmo elementary and middle schools, and graduated from Dutch Fork High School. My grandson is a first grader now, and I am holding my breath. Why? Because I’ve watched and been a part of this district for 26Continue Reading

To whom it may Concern, I am writing to express my support for Lexington County Candidate, Rebecca Hines, for Rich/Lex School District 5. Rebecca Hines has been a servant leader to the Irmo/Chapin Community since I’ve known her, especially the business community. Having served on boards and councils with Rebecca,Continue Reading

Dear Editor: In recent years the School Board of Lexington and Richland District 5 has been hampered by infighting and a lack of civility. We, along with many other citizens and families, wish to see a positive change in the way the School Board conducts its business and responds toContinue Reading

On November 3, 2020, there is a very important local election for the Lexington Richland School District Five Board of Trustees. Three seats are up this year and two incumbents are running for those seats along with a candidate they have endorsed for the third seat. Robert Gantt (Richland) andContinue Reading

Michael and I retired to SC after 9/11. We had lived and worked in NYC on   9/11. We decided to move to SC for a peaceful existence and to experience “The Southern Way” where “you have my word” and “hand shakes” were excepted over contracts. Reality is we are taxpayers andContinue Reading

Dear Friends, I am a father of three Lexington-Richland District 5 graduates. I am also the spouse of a dedicated D5 teacher with over 25 years of experience. Lexington-Richland District 5 is wonderful school district. Despite the challenges of 2020, Dr. Melton seems to be an effective leader with aContinue Reading

For all our school district’s successes, one unfortunate hallmark of Lexington-Richland 5 is the willingness of certain board members to hurl accusations and insinuations as a way of suppressing unflattering information. District 5 has had more than its share of missteps over the past several years – persistent problems thatContinue Reading

Open Letter At the school board meeting September 28, the discussion agenda included the topic of District Construction. Mike Montgomery was asked to present the actual cost the district incurred to correct the construction deficiencies in the 2008 referendum projects. The only projects with problems were the renovation projects atContinue Reading

Hines, Huddle and Hogan Best for D-5 School Board There are many good choices for the Lexington/Richland County School Board election. We are fortunate for that. Having researched the many new candidates there are three that bring a true collaborative, inclusiveness and passion to serve our community. Those candidates areContinue Reading

When each of us answers the key question: “What’s in it for my child?’ we have to be honest with ourselves. Not all graduates will be able to do computer work. That has been borne out most painfully with the pandemic. There are many service industries where the stay atContinue Reading