Hopefully by now you have heard about Lexington County’s effort for funding improvements to our roads – it’s called the “CAPITAL PROJECT SALES TAX” (CPST). We all know our roads need attention, such as resurfacing, turn lanes,intersection improvements, and reduced congestion. And, very importantly,the response time of our First RespondersContinue Reading

I am livid, disappointed, and confused about what I am hearing about Monday night’s board meeting. An upset attendee/adult/protester/whomever, I do not know her…was caught at the metal detector with a concealed firearm in her purse. She came in a group that was upset about the board, about what IContinue Reading

On September 10th Sarah Osgaard tackled the difficult issue of Critical Race Theory — a hot button issue in Irmo and the nation. She answered this question by explaining that critical race theory is not in our schools because technically and historically CRT is “a theoretical framework involving the historyContinue Reading

To the Editor: Though not a Lexington County native, I have lived here for 58 years. I feel fortunate to have chosen this place as my home. Excellent schools, medical facilities, businesses, and cultural amenities abound throughout the County. The people here are hard-working, honest, entrepreneurial, and dedicated to improvingContinue Reading

September 19, 2022 – Special-Called Board Meeting The purpose of this audit is to ensure confidence and trust with the taxpayers of District Five.  Being accountable and transparent is vital to moving forward. School Board members are called trustees for a reason.  We have two major responsibilities, to hire theContinue Reading

631, that is the total number of staff that have resigned, retired, refused a contract, or otherwise left our District since the new board majority took over in 2020. This number was obtained directly from the district. 581 staff have left our schools and 50 have left the District Office.Continue Reading

Dear Mr. Kenneth Loveless, Vice Chair of Lexington Richland District 5 Board of Trustees, The article in South Carolina-  The State newspaper released September 9, 2022 “LR5’s Loveless subpoenas Facebook for info on parents, teacher, attorney, media” is alarming on many levels. You are an elected public servant representing LexingtonContinue Reading

Amanda and her brother Matt have a chiropractic practice in Irmo called Midlands Family Chiropractic. But before that, they were OUR superstars. Jeff embarked on his first field trip to the zoo while he was in kindergarten. I was a nervous wreck worrying that no one would sit next toContinue Reading

Open Letter I am proud of this current board for standing up for the taxpayers, and more importantly for the students as we continue to uncover wasteful spending which has occurred over the last 14 years in D-5. While I have served for 16 years of the last 20 years,Continue Reading

Editor’s Note: The Letter from Ken Loveless the referred to here first appeared online after our July 14 issue was published. It is printed in this week’s issue. “Unfortunately, it will be next February before I can prove my case – which was undoubtedly the goal of the individuals whoContinue Reading