By Al Dozier Irmo Council members and Mayor Barry Walker Sr. butted heads at January 18’s meeting over disclosure of the names of businesses and how much they received in the distribution of some $250,000 in relief funds. Walker said he has signed a non-disclosure agreement seeking the information butContinue Reading

On January 20, 2022, at 7:40 p.m., Irmo Police Officers responded to a home invasion at a residence within the New Friarsgate Subdivision. Once on scene, Officers learned that a black male wearing khaki pants and a New York Giants’ hoodie/jacket entered the residence through a back door. The homeowner,Continue Reading

By CT McDonald District Five varsity basketball teams have started their region games with some recently recording victories at a greater rate than before, while others have stayed on a winning path consistent with their season performances. Dutch Fork’s girls have recorded nothing but wins since resuming the regular seasonContinue Reading

Representative Chip Huggins presented an award to Irmo Town Administrator Courtney Dennis at the Town Council meeting on Tuesday, January 18. The Concurrent Resolution is from the House and Senate of South Carolina recognizing Dennis’s 20 years of distinguished service to the Irmo Police Department.Continue Reading

Many cities and municipalities were facing challenging business environments that led to closures and cutbacks in the post-covid-crisis. The town of Irmo had a solution and came up with a program to help its local businesses. Irmo, with a population of more than 13,000, recognizes that a healthy and growing business communityContinue Reading

A plane crash occurred on Lake Murray on Thursday, January 13 around 1:45 pm that afternoon. The airplane went down  near Taylor’s Cove Road in Gilbert and is being investigated by the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department.  The plane was a Cirrus SR 20 based out of Greenville, SC and wasContinue Reading

An Irmo Middle School sixth-grader earned two world karate titles at the North American Sport Karate Association (NASKA) 2021 awards banquet in Chicago on January 20th.  Nora Hanson was awarded  Overall Grand Champion in the 10-11 year-old Girls Black Belt Sparring division and World Champion in the 11 and Under Girls OpenContinue Reading

Kathryn Meade and Jane Miller of Dutch Fork High School were honored by the Irmo Chamber of Commerce as the student and teacher of the month. “Kathryn is the student body president at Dutch Fork High School,” Dutch Fork High School Principal Dr. Gerald Gary said. “She has a collectiveContinue Reading

The new year is a great time to organize your photographs and memorabilia into albums. Come share and remember life’s beautiful moments with a fun group of people every week while creating memorable scrapbooks. Bring your own scrapbooking or journaling supplies and spread out on plenty of table space. WorkContinue Reading

In Irmo, there is an artist who uses yarn to express and support her love of wildlife. Chrissy Mosteller, age 17, crochets small creatures using patterns she creates herself. Her creations form a menagerie including rabbits, opossum, snakes, a gorilla, even a platypus. Mosteller learned to knit at the ageContinue Reading