An Irmo Middle School sixth-grader earned two world karate titles at the North American Sport Karate Association (NASKA) 2021 awards banquet in Chicago on January 20th.  Nora Hanson was awarded  Overall Grand Champion in the 10-11 year-old Girls Black Belt Sparring division and World Champion in the 11 and Under Girls OpenContinue Reading

Kathryn Meade and Jane Miller of Dutch Fork High School were honored by the Irmo Chamber of Commerce as the student and teacher of the month. “Kathryn is the student body president at Dutch Fork High School,” Dutch Fork High School Principal Dr. Gerald Gary said. “She has a collectiveContinue Reading

The new year is a great time to organize your photographs and memorabilia into albums. Come share and remember life’s beautiful moments with a fun group of people every week while creating memorable scrapbooks. Bring your own scrapbooking or journaling supplies and spread out on plenty of table space. WorkContinue Reading

In Irmo, there is an artist who uses yarn to express and support her love of wildlife. Chrissy Mosteller, age 17, crochets small creatures using patterns she creates herself. Her creations form a menagerie including rabbits, opossum, snakes, a gorilla, even a platypus. Mosteller learned to knit at the ageContinue Reading

Richland County celebrated its second-best year for capital investment during a launch event for the County Economic Development Office’s (RCEDO) annual report. The report, which RCEDO staff released Thursday at 701 Whaley in Columbia, highlights economic development successes throughout the year in the County, detailing announcements of new jobs, recentContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Several local business leaders from the Irmo community recently gathered at the Greater Irmo Chamber of Commerce for some insight into the growing problem of cybersecurity. Around a dozen people heard a presentation on January 13 on how to prepare for cyber intrusions. A large number ofContinue Reading

Irmo Police responded to a report of a shooting Tuesday night that left one person dead. The officers were called to the 100 block of Maidstone Circle in the New Friarsgate subdivision at 11:55 pm where they found a 21-year-old male unresponsive with multiple gunshot wounds to the body. TheContinue Reading

Thomas Mullikin Jr. to lead the internationally recognized non-profit By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Thomas Mullikin, Jr., son of Dr. Tom Mullikin, chair of the S.C. Floodwater Commission, was named president of Global Eco Adventures (GEA), the S.C.-based global environmental exploration and education non-profit founded by his father in 2014.Continue Reading

The health and safety of our students and staff remain School District Five’s first priority. Chapin Elementary School is currently experiencing a high number of students and staff impacted by COVID-19 isolation and quarantine. As a result, Chapin Elementary School will temporarily shift all students from in-person instruction to virtualContinue Reading