Six Lexington-Richland School District Five football players have been selected to the Shrine Bowl of the Carolinas roster. Players selected to play on the South Carolina roster include: Ethan Benson (Dutch Fork High offensive lineman), Nick Emmanwori (Irmo High safety), Alec Johnson (Chapin High offensive lineman), Zavier Short (Chapin HighContinue Reading

On December 10, Richland County EMS staff delivered four ambulances filled with items for children that were donated through the annual Stuff an Ambulance toy drive. The items will benefit Richland County Court Appointed Special Advocates.Continue Reading

Mast Store is helping Share the Warmth in all its communities by holding a coat collection throughout the month of December. In addition, Columbia Sportswear is donating new outerwear to help keep the chill away, too. “We are grateful for Columbia’s continuing support of this outreach,” said Lisa Cooper, presidentContinue Reading

Co-owners Jack Canouse and Chris Albano opened their first location of Stars and Strikes Family Entertainment Center (SSFEC) in 2005 with Corporate Social Responsibility in mind. From its inception, the co-owners decided to make charity a cornerstone of the company’s foundation. One of the family-friendly venue’s Core Values is GiveContinue Reading

A male Gilbert High School student has been charged with making threats last week against other Lexington County schools. The 14-year-old made a threatening statement that was overheard by another student Dec. 2 while riding the bus to school, according to the incident report. The student who heard the threatContinue Reading

On December 20th, 2021, Irmo Police arrested Joshua Jordan, 22, of Lexington for his involvement in a shooting last week.  On December 16th, officers responded to a shooting incident near the intersection of Friarsgate Boulevard and Irmo Drive. Officers quickly responded to the area to gather evidence and witness statementsContinue Reading

Chief Terrence Green is announcing the arrest of Angus Dorane Godwin, age 51 of Columbia, after an investigation of an assault that happened in downtown Lexington on the evening of December 6, 2021. The day following the assault, the victim came to the Lexington Police Department to report that whileContinue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Sheriff Leon Lott and the Richland County Sheriff’s Department presented 12 ‘Beanie Babies,’ one each to eight little angels and four teenage ballerina angels who performed in Northeast Presbyterian Church’s (NEPC) Christmas cantata, ‘Agnus Dei,’ Sunday, Dec. 12. “These are small tokens of our appreciationContinue Reading

Richland County Sheriff’s Department lead agency in drill By W. Thomas Smith Jr. A multi-agency drill led by the Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RSCD) and simulating an active shooter scenario with mass casualties was conducted on the campus of Columbia International University, Tuesday, Dec. 14. Utilizing the nationally standardized IncidentContinue Reading