Several Lexington-Richland School District Five classrooms will soon benefit from grants provided by theMid-Carolina Electric Cooperative (MCEC). The Cooperative’s annual Bright Ideas program grants provide fundingto teachers who have demonstrated innovative ideas for classroom projects. School District Five received morethan $10,000 in grants. School District Five grant recipients include: April BealeContinue Reading

The Irmo Police Department is currently investigating an armed robbery that occurred at the BP gas station located at 7353 Nursery Road. On Saturday, October 23, 2021, at approximately 10:25 p.m. a man entered the gas station, presented a firearm and demanded cash from the register. After obtaining an undisclosedContinue Reading

It is with a great deal of pleasure that I endorse and support Bill Danielson for Irmo Town Council. I have known Bill for many years and in many different capacities. Serving with Bill on the Glenforest School Board for 3 years really showed me his leadership skills. (Glenforest SchoolContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five’s Executive Director of Operations Todd A. Bedenbaugh has been inducted into the School Nutrition Association Hall of Fame by the non-profit organization School Nutrition Association (SNA) of South Carolina. The award recognizes employees and industry members that have provided extraordinary contributions to school nutrition programs. Mr. BedenbaughContinue Reading

Members of St. Andrews Woman’s Club collected more than 130 art supplies for special needs students at Harbison West Elementary School.  Presenting the supplies on behalf of the club was Frances Hill (right). Accepting the donation for Harbison West was James Paul (left), Administrative Assistant Principal.Continue Reading