The Richland County Election Commission has released updated polling location information regarding the special election for a vacant seat on the Lexington-Richland School District Five School Board. Precincts are in Irmo and Chapin areas. Check for candidate information, your voting status, and polling location. The following precincts and polling places will beContinue Reading

In the Spring of 2020, like many in our district, I took interest in the district’s operations. Having two kids at two separate Irmo schools in sore need of $28 million dollars in repairs each appalled me. Our board of trustees at that time focused more on building beautiful, newContinue Reading

The weather may be cooler but the fishing is still hot on Lake Murray! The Capital City/Lake Murray Country Regional Tourism Board welcomes two fishing tournaments this month to Lake Murray. The Carolinas Bass Challenge Classic and Major League Fishing’s Phoenix Bass Fishing League Regional Championship will take place inContinue Reading

The New Testament By Mike DuBose We conclude our Biblical series with the New Testament, which is the story of the Messiah, Jesus, who was predicted in the Old Testament to come to Earth as both God and human to serve as a sacrifice for our sins so believers willContinue Reading

Studio 3P, LLC is pleased to announce that their lead photographer Kimberly Case’s portrait “Airborne” was awarded the Blue Ribbon for Digital Photograph in the Professional Fine Art Division of the 2021 South Carolina State Fair. Case’s portrait photograph depicts a young man daydreaming about his future after reading aContinue Reading

Well, apparently the question that was originally posed, “What exactly would it take to find some, any unity at all amongst our fellow Americans?” has no answer. One wonders if this country is irreparably doomed by the political divisions that exist. In a close examination of the current campaign forContinue Reading

Discount Tire of Irmo was selected as the September 2021 Irmo Business of the Month. Owner Larry Warner was presented with a plaque from the Irmo Town Council commemorating the many years of dedication to Irmo and it’s residents. Irmo Mayor Barry Walker congratulates Larry for his contribution to theContinue Reading

The 152nd South Carolina State Fair returns October 13-24, with a full lineup of traditional favorites and a variety of new rides, foods, entertainment and the return of the CIRCUS at the Fair and the Celebration Super Wheel. The S.C. State Fair is committed to bringing a safe 12-day eventContinue Reading

The South Carolina State Museum is set to welcome the fall with new and returning shows, plus a newly opened exhibition. Guests are invited to travel to Mars, learn about Earth’s diverse habitats, race to escape Dracula in 4D, and explore how the museum builds and maintains its collection ofContinue Reading