Former school board member, Robert Gantt, has announced his support for Tifani Moore in the special election for the Richland County side of School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties. After serving on the school board for twenty years, Gantt says he has experience serving with many school boardContinue Reading

Keep the Midlands Beautiful (KMB) will host a Lakeside Litter Sweep on Lake Murray September 18 from 9 am to noon KMB is seeking volunteers to clean up islands, shorelines, boat ramps, and natural areas around the lake. Volunteers are invited to end the summer with a splash by makingContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose As an introduction, let’s examine some basic information about Christian beliefs as outlined in the Bible. The Guinness Book of Records verifies that the Bible, the holy scripture of the Christian religion which has been translated in hundreds of languages, is the world’s bestselling and most widelyContinue Reading

LEXINGTON, S.C. – More than a dozen law enforcement agencies have worked together on a month-long operation targeting adults accused of contacting children online for sexual activity. Seventeen men have been arrested as part of the operation. Another man is wanted on charges stemming from messages exchanged with law enforcementContinue Reading

Dr. Kizzi Staley Gibson who is an educational professional and also a candidate for the South Carolina Superintendent of Education offers her support of Haley Griggs in her District Five campaign. Gibson said, “As a professional educator and educational leader for close to 20 years, I understand the importance ofContinue Reading

Besides OD’ing on football this weekend I was amused by the difference in conditions between Trump and Biden appearances for 9-11 ceremonies Trump surrounded by police and firefighters, Biden surrounded by Obama, Bush, and more Elites, Bottom Line—Trump is the Man. Biden is a House Plant. Does anyone think it’sContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement: “On this tragic anniversary, I am grateful for our military who have kept American families safe for 20 years. In my service on the House Floor for over 500 times, I urged ‘We will never forget September 11th and the Global War on Terrorism’ sadly,Continue Reading

During an “Evening with Haley Griggs” campaign event held at the Melting Pot restaurant on Thursday, Griggs received an endorsement from District 88 Representative RJ Maye.  “I’m proud to endorse Haley Griggs for school board. Haley knows that decision-making power in education must be squarely in the hands of parentsContinue Reading

By Sarah Ostergaard Make an impact with your time In August, we introduced the idea that our schools need you. Like democracy, education is a participatory exercise and each of us has a role to play in our local school system. The idea of time, talent, treasure, and voice willContinue Reading

 Irmo Middle School seventh-grader, Lucy Pruitt, has won second place in the 2020-2021 National Career Development Association Poetry & Art contest.”I’m surprised I won 2nd place in the national competition and 3rd place in the state, but I’m also proud and excited,” Pruitt said. “Our art assignment was to draw a poster ofContinue Reading