Local Republican Leaders endorse Huddle and Loveless for School Board

The school board campaigns of Trustee Catherine Huddle and Ken Loveless, received a huge boost after gaining several important Republican endorsements.

The Lexington County Republican Party (LCRP), State reps. Jay Kilmartin and Joe White, Lexington County Councilwoman Charli Wessinger and Lexington 5 School Trustee Elizabeth Barnhardt all threw their weight behind the duo.

In an overwhelming vote, the LCRP executive committee voted to approve Huddle and Loveless.

LCRP Chairman Mark Weber said “The Endorsement Committee conducted a deep dive based on surveys sent to candidates, their records if they have previously served and interviews when additional information from candidates was needed.” Weber added, the process has worked again and the full Executive Body has made their choices. We are ready to get work for them.”

Loveless welcomed the new round of endorsements:

“The strong support from these community leaders speaks of the confidence they have in accountable, transparent government that is fiscally responsible. I am honored to have these endorsements.” Huddle added “My service on the school board demonstrates consistent support for teachers, focus on academic achievement and fiscal expertise and transparency. I am blessed to receive these endorsements.”

Reps. Kilmartin and White, who will be re-elected to their second terms in November and represent the geographic area of District Five in Lexington County, back Huddle and Loveless as the conservative choices for the board:

Kilmartin said “Ken Loveless and Catherine Huddle have a history of delivering the conservative governance that our community expects. I am excited to support them in this year’s election for school board.”

White added “Catherine Huddle has been a stalwart on the school board. Ken Loveless has a strong record in District Five and is the strongest advocate for workforce development. Catherine and Ken both demand transparency and accountability where taxpayer money is spent. I am honored to stand with them on November 5.”

Councilwoman Wessinger gave credit to the service that Huddle and Loveless have provided over the years:

“Catherine Huddle and Ken Loveless work tirelessly for the people of District Five and our community at-large. We need their common-sense on the school board.”

Trustee Barnhardt, who has been a staunch conservative on the board with Huddle, emphasized the necessity for the pair to return to the board:

“Catherine Huddle and I have been on the frontlines fighting for common-sense, conservative solutions. We must re-elect her and bring back Ken Loveless to restore fiscal sanity and return to foundational education.”

The endorsements from Republicans keep the momentum for the Huddle and Loveless campaigns going as they have recently received several endorsements from educators and former school board members. Early Voting for the general elections takes place from October 21 through November 2 at the Chapin Town Hall and Midlands Tech – Harbison Campus as well as the Lexington County Election Office. Election Day is November 5 at your local precinct. You can check out your polling location and ballot at scvotes.gov and if you choose to vote straight ticket, you must vote separately for the school board election. The campaigns can be reached at HuddleforD5.com and LovelessforD5.com.