Irmo High School is hosting a  Senior Goodwill Brunch December 7 for older community members. The brunch will be December 7, 9 – 11 am at the Irmo High School Center for the Arts Senior members of the community are invited. Enjoy brunch and entertainment provided by students. To attendContinue Reading

Irmo High School Astronomy classes watched recaps of the Artemis Space Launch in class this week. The launch was on November 16 at 1:47 am. Several students actually watched the launch live from their homes that morning. The class is plotting and calculating the trajectory of the Orion spacecraft asContinue Reading

Irmo High School crowned its homecoming court on October 21. Pictured from left to right: Principal Dr. Kaaren Hampton, Homecoming Queen Runner-Up Ciara Rhodes, Homecoming Queen Aryana Stokes, Homecoming King Taveion Brown, and Homecoming King Runner-Up Jeremiah Williams. Photo By Chris Record, GoFlashWin.comContinue Reading

Irmo High School students are receiving out of this world lessons in their Astronomy classes. Students are learning how to operate various telescopes. Recently they worked with the school’s refracting telescopes and later they learned to operate reflecting telescopes as well as Cassegrain telescopes.Continue Reading

At the SC High School football Jamboree at Chapin High School on August 12, there was a reunion of past offensive linemen who played at Irmo High School. In the first game of the night, the Mid-Carolina High School Rebels played the Irmo High School Yellow Jackets. Several of theContinue Reading

The Irmo High School International School for the Arts students have been hard at work preparing for their spring musical’s opening night! Come out and show your support as the Irmo Theatre Company proudly presents “High School Musical: On Stage!” on Thursday, March 31st, Friday, April 1st and Saturday April 2nd at 7:00Continue Reading

Veteran educator Dr. Kaaren Hampton has been named principal at Irmo High School International School for the Arts. Hampton replaces Dr. Robin Hardy, who is stepping down from the position on June 30, 2022. Hampton has served as the assistant principal of instruction at Irmo High School for the pastContinue Reading

Students returned to class at Irmo High School on Wednesday to new changes in security. After a mass student walkout on Friday, Feb. 4, the school moved to virtual classes for Monday and Tuesday of this week while school officials sorted out the problems. The walkout was prompted by studentsContinue Reading