River Springs Elementary School’s 2nd-grade students enjoyed a special Holiday Reading Celebration on Friday, December 20, in the school auditorium. Dressed in cozy pajamas, the children listened intently as guest speakers from the community read holiday-themed stories. One of the highlights was Columbia Fire Department firefighter William Lynch, who broughtContinue Reading

In a groundbreaking collaboration, River Springs Elementary School joined forces with the South Carolina Department of Education’s personalized learning team to host a Design Workshop on November 28. This unique workshop aimed to revolutionize professional development for educators by providing a platform for collaboration and the creation of engaging instructionalContinue Reading

River Springs Elementary School had a supply drive for their holiday baskets campaign for veterans. Students collected 727 cans of green beans, yams, mushroom soup, evaporated milk, cranberry sauce, and corn.Continue Reading

River Springs Elementary School held a ribbon-cutting ceremony recently to open their new outdoor classroom. The PTO paid for the project with money raised during the school’s annual Boosterthon. After the ribbon cutting students enjoyed a popsicle treat.Continue Reading

The Gators Give program at River Springs Elementary School teaches students the rewards of giving back to others while strengthening skills for empathy, generosity, and compassion. The winter Gators Give service project supported Sharing God’s Love with a donation of over 1,400 cans of soup.Continue Reading

Fourth and fifth-grade art students at River Springs Elementary School recently participated in the Shred360 15 Years of Shredding Logo Contest. Lyra S. was the grand prize winner and her logo design will be displayed on one of the Shred360 shredding trucks. The River Springs Art Department will be awardedContinue Reading

River Springs principal Matt Gams announced at a ceremony held at River Springs that the 2019-2020 River Springs Teacher of the Year was kindergarten teacher Phyllis Griggs. Gams said, “I am happy to present Mrs. Griggs with this honor as she has exemplified incredible dedication to her students and toContinue Reading