By Al Dozier The Irmo Town Council Tuesday showed strong opposition to Irmo Mayor Barry Walker’s stance against a community homeowner’s association rule that prohibits political signs in residential neighborhoods more than 30 days before an election. The disconnect between the council and mayor was apparent when Walker failed toContinue Reading

Irmo Town Councilman and Mayoral candidate Bill Danielson removes a political campaign sign after the Harbison Community Association notified him that it was a violation for the sign to be on HCA property. “I’m very happy to comply,” said Danielson. “It is clearly stated in their bylaws where and whenContinue Reading

Councilman Bill Danielson, who has spoken to St. Andrews Optimists in the past, appeared September 8 in his new role as a candidate for Mayor of the Town of Irmo. Having announced formally, Danielson spoke to the club about both his motivations for seeking the office and about some ofContinue Reading

Former Irmo Chief Fire Marshal Jeff Allen has announced he is running for Irmo Town Council. “I have served the Irmo community for decades,” Allen said. “I am asking for your vote so that I can continue to serve the great Irmo area.” Originally from Ontario, Canada, with Toronto beingContinue Reading

By Congressman Joe Wilson I have just completed my annual bus tour around the Second Congressional District, making stops at local businesses, schools, and organizations, and heard from our fellow South Carolinians in all five counties. Biden policies continue to hurt American families and destroy jobs. Under his direction, the country reached itsContinue Reading

US Congressman Joe Wilson visited the Greater Irmo Chamber of Commerce monthly luncheon on Wednesday, August 9 held at the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Brian Cox of Cox Family BBQ shared a jar of his special sauce with the Congressman. Cox Family BBQ is located in the Shoppers Walk atContinue Reading