It’s easy to support Dr. Barb Waldman for Irmo Town Council. Involvement is one word that describes Barb. This candidate would bring a broad background of knowledge and experience that can be applied to Irmo Council meetings and activities. She has historically been involved. As a graduate with a PhDContinue Reading

Rain blew in sideways and fog obscured the valley below as summer drew to a close along the Blue Ridge Parkway, but Don Hagan could clearly see potential for a brilliant fall color season ahead. The forest ecologist has been making fall foliage predictions for Clemson University for nine yearsContinue Reading

For a decade, Famously Hot New Year, a nonprofit organization since 2016, has brought visitors, residents, businesses, and community and civic leaders from diverse backgrounds together for South Carolina’s largest free New Year’s Eve party in downtown Columbia. Given the continued concerns around COVID-19 and its variants, the nonprofit’s board hasContinue Reading

I am an Irmo business owner and have lived in the Friarsgate community since 1981. I have seen many changes in our town and communities, some good and some bad, and I believe Irmo needs to re-elect Bill Danielson. Bill understands business and has proven it while serving on TownContinue Reading

The South Carolina State Museum will be offering Halloween fun for guests and members. Kids are invited to get creative and visit in costume for Spooky Saturdays on October 23 and 30. Kids (aged 3 – 12) in costume will receive free general admission on both Saturdays. Guests can enjoyContinue Reading

Dutch Fork High School celebrated homecoming and the memory of Jack Alkhatib at their October 15 game against River Bluff High.  Jack’s mother, Kelly Hewins Alkhatib and brother Ben stood in for Jack who was elected Homecoming King. Jack, who played offensive lineman for the Silver Foxes died during practiceContinue Reading

A Lexington County elementary school teacher is accused of having marijuana edibles in her classroom. Victoria Farish Weiss, 27, is charged with possession of a Schedule I drug, according to a warrant for her arrest. Weiss turned herself in Friday morning. “We became involved in this case Sept. 23 afterContinue Reading

Union United Methodist Church will hold a Trunk or Treat October 24 at 5 pm. The event will be held in the church’s back parking lot at 7582 Woodrow Street in Irmo. There will be hot dogs, games, and family fun. Treat bags will be given to each child atContinue Reading