St. Andrews Woman’s Club held its summer social at the Irmo Community Park on September 13. Members and guests were able to enjoy an evening of fun, desserts, and catching up after the summer hiatus. New members welcomed into the club are (l to r) Rachel Richardson, Melly Makoski, Linda ShealyContinue Reading

In October, Prisma Health will launch its annual Midlands community free flu vaccination campaign as part of its system-wide effort to offer protection from the highly contagious virus. Protect your family with free flu shots available at sites in Richland, Lexington and Sumter counties. The flu shot is available forContinue Reading

Three Chamber organizations from across South Carolina have jointly announced that Bank of America has provided a $500,000 grant to launch a statewide Minority Business Accelerator program. This program will be led by the Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville Chambers and is set to launch in January of 2022. The MinorityContinue Reading

With South Carolina’s fair and festival season kicking into high gear this month, the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) has introduced a new resource to help vendors, promoters, and hosts stay on top of their tax and licensing obligations. Head to for help getting ready for your nextContinue Reading

The South Carolina Philharmonic is celebrating the organization’s recent move to Main Street in Columbia and will open the space to the public October 7 in concert with the First Thursday on Main. An open house event will begin at 5 pm and end at 7 pm. Guests will beContinue Reading

Lexington Medical Center is administering COVID-19 boosters to eligible individuals at its vaccination clinic located at Brookland Baptist Church in West Columbia.   The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control have approved booster doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for specific groupsContinue Reading

Linda Monette, 25, in Lexington County was sentenced last week after a jury trial last week. Monette was convicted of Murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison for her role in the home invasion plot which killed Mason Hanahan, age 8. Mason Hanahan was an Oak Grove Elementary 2nd graderContinue Reading

“ARPA funds are on the way,” declared Mayor Barry A. Walker at the Tuesday, September 21 Irmo Town Council meeting. The 2.5 million dollars the town will receive is a portion of the American Rescue Plan Act that became effective back in March. It allows counties, cities and municipalities toContinue Reading

To all Lexington/Richland District 5 people voting in the special election to fill the current vacancy on the school board.     I have reviewed all three candidates running for the Lexington/Richland 5 School Board seat on October 12, 2021.  This vacancy was created when Ed White resigned.  In looking at the credentialsContinue Reading

On Wednesday, September 15, 2021, Jan’s Van (The Lexington Medical Center’s Mobile Mammography Van) was at Union United Methodist Church in Irmo, SC. Jan’s Van had reserved 19 spaces for ladies to receive a mammogram and because they have had such a great response, Jan’s Van has been scheduled forContinue Reading