Congressman Joe Wilson embarked on his annual bus tour of South Carolina’s Second District this week with a stop at the Greater Irmo Chamber Coffee Talk held at Stars in Strikes in Irmo. Wilson spoke about the American Rescue Plan and allocations from the federal government slated for municipalities. He also spoke about the conflict inContinue Reading

Up and coming country music star Maddie Rean will be performing at the Lexington Icehouse Amphitheater on Friday, September 17.   Rean was born and raised in Swansea and has sung all her life.  Her voice is called smoky and sultry all at the same time. The concert will benefitContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch Summer sure went by quickly! It’s that magical time of year again: back-to-school; early morning wake-ups, bus rides and homework. With this time of year comes the need for an increase in safety awareness. Kids and adults alike can do their part to keep everyone safe by followingContinue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Last week, Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott, Richland County Sheriff’s Dept. (RCSD) Major Maria Yturria, and yours truly received signed coffee mugs from the New York City Police Department (NYPD). The NYPD mugs were a token of thanks to RCSD, and they were presented inContinue Reading

By Tom Mullikin It’s been nearly two decades since that fateful September morning in 2001 when four commercial airliners were hijacked by Al Qaeda terrorists and flown into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Northern Virginia, and a grassy field in Pennsylvania. Two major wars andContinue Reading

A groundbreaking was held for the proposed Rawls Creek Park Project on Thursday, August 12. Community members along with politicians and the Irmo Chamber of Commerce members were on hand to commemorate the groundbreaking. Rawls Creed Park will be a 9.94 acre green space and have a community garden, playground,Continue Reading

The Irmo Future Growth Corporation presented a check to the Bistro on the Boulevard as part of helping small business with monetary relief from adversity due to the affects due fo the COVID-19 pandemic. In December of 2020 Councilman Bill Danielson proposed the idea and announced they have already providedContinue Reading

Irmo Businessman, Bill Danielson, has announced he will run for re-election to Irmo Town Council. Danielson, who was first elected to Irmo Town Council in a special election in March of 2020, is seeking election to a full term. Bill, a successful local businessman for more than 30 years, hasContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Irmo Police Chief Courtney Dennis will soon become the town’s new administrator. The Irmo Council announced his selection after an executive session at Tuesday’s council meeting. Dennis was among a reported 11 candidates seeking the post who have been interviewed by the council during the past fewContinue Reading

By Al Dozier The Irmo Town Council Tuesday gave final reading approval to an ordinance that establishes safety regulations for swimming pools located in residential areas of the town. The measure will require pool owners to have swimming pools fenced so they won’t be entered by outsiders who could faceContinue Reading