Veteran educator Stephanie Huckabee has been named the interim principal at Chapin Middle School. Huckabee replaces Anna Miller, who has been named School District Five’s Chief of Academics and Administration. Huckabee most recently served as the assistant principal of instruction at Chapin High School. She also served as the assistantContinue Reading

In December of 2020 Councilman Bill Danielson proposed the idea of assisting small businesses with monetary relief who had suffered adversely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the Irmo Future Growth Corporation has been fully implemented and is providing grants to those businesses that have applied. Danielson, who is alsoContinue Reading

Crooked Creek Art League (CCAL) is once again partnering with the Town of Chapin to create public art to beautify a public space. “The Arts Trail through Chapin” will be a highly visible multi-part public art display featuring a community scavenger hunt and auction culminating at the 2021 Chapin LaborContinue Reading

Lexington County deputies have arrested a man accused of shooting his wife to death at their Gaston home Saturday. The victim has been identified as Kia Riley, according to Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher. Alonzo James Riley, 33, is charged with murder and possession of a weapon during a violentContinue Reading

Chief Terrence Green would like to update the community that the investigation at a daycare facility within the Town of Lexington, where children were found to have been assaulted by a caregiver, has continued and additional charges have been made. On the morning of July 12, 2021, an investigation beganContinue Reading

There is a new club open to anyone who is interested in casual chess. Currently holding meetings at Starbucks 1245 Lake Murray Blvd, Irmo, SC 29063, the Irmo Chess Club had its first Event on August 7. The founder, James Brandmair, says, “I’m hoping I can grow the club intoContinue Reading

School District Five of Lexington & Richland Counties is requesting public input on the spending of federal funds received from the U.S. Department of Education through the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ARP ESSER), signed into law on March 11. ARP ESSER provides aContinue Reading

The Irmo Police Department and the Town of Irmo will be holding a rescheduled National Night Out event on August 10 from 5:30 – 7:30. It will be held at the Irmo Community Park at 7473 Church Street, Irmo. There will be food, games, music, giveaways. CDC guidelines and protocolsContinue Reading

A Columbia man is being held in the Lexington County Detention Center after his arrest Tuesday in connection to a gas station shooting last week. Ruben Christopher Garrick Jr., 28, is charged with two counts of attempted murder, pointing and presenting a firearm, and gun possession crimes, according to arrestContinue Reading