Leo’s Pride Foundation, in partnership with Contract Construction, the Saluda Shoals Foundation, and the Irmo Chapin Recreation Commission, will host a Groundbreaking Celebration for the expansion of Leo’s Landing Inclusive Playground August 12 at 10 am at Saluda Shoals Park East, 6071 St. Andrews Road, Columbia. The public is invitedContinue Reading

Online registration for the 2021-22 school year is now available in Lexington-Richland School District Five. School District Five parents and guardians of returning students are asked to log in to Registration Gateway to verify and/or update their student’s information by visiting update.lexrich5.org, using the log in information provided in aContinue Reading

The Optimist Club of St. Andrews-Irmo has, for several years, supported the efforts of Homeworks, an organization that is statewide in scope. Joe Huggins, Homeworks’ Executive Director, spoke to the Club July 16 to give the members an update. Homeworks is first and foremost a Christ-centered service. It provides homeContinue Reading

This week the Rotary Club of Lake Murray-Irmo had two visitors for breakfast. Corbin and Caroline both attended the meeting. While they cited the breakfast and free orange juice among their reasons for attending, we believe they’re future Rotarians.Continue Reading

A series of in-person events beginning this week will help inform Richland County residents about newly rewritten land development regulations before the new rules are finalized. The rules make up the County’s revised Land Development Code (LDC), a draft of which is available for public review at weplantogether.org. The upcomingContinue Reading

The Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET) has been selected to receive $2,935,190 under Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA’s) Low or No Emission Vehicle Program for Fiscal Year 2021. The grant allows The COMET, which provides service in Richland and Lexington Counties, to buy battery electric and fuel cell busesContinue Reading

Four Lexington-Richland School District Five educators have qualified to become South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teachers. Launched in January 2020, this innovative program was designed to increase the number of teachers incorporating personal finance education into their classrooms across the K-12 spectrum. Patera Eskew-Martin (Dutch Fork Elementary), Angela McGregor (IrmoContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose and Surb Guram, MD At your last doctor’s appointment, you likely spent about a fourth of the time actually speaking with your physician and the rest sitting in the waiting room and filling out paperwork, according to Harvard Medical School. With lowered profits due to changes inContinue Reading

Gov. Henry McMaster presented South Carolina Press Association Executive Director Bill Rogers with the Order of the Palmetto during his retirement party on July 15 at The River Center in Columbia. The Order of the Palmetto is the state’s highest civilian honor, given to residents “in recognition of a lifetimeContinue Reading

What the CDC is Not Telling Us By Mike DuBose I didn’t plan to write about COVID-19 again. But, then Columbia native and former neighbor, Dr. Cary Washington, became infected with the coronavirus and died, 30 days after being fully inoculated. WIS-TV and USA Today featured his unexpected death questioning:Continue Reading