Dear Editor, Three of my sons attended District 5 schools. They attended Irmo elementary and middle schools, and graduated from Dutch Fork High School. My grandson is a first grader now, and I am holding my breath. Why? Because I’ve watched and been a part of this district for 26Continue Reading

To whom it may Concern, I am writing to express my support for Lexington County Candidate, Rebecca Hines, for Rich/Lex School District 5. Rebecca Hines has been a servant leader to the Irmo/Chapin Community since I’ve known her, especially the business community. Having served on boards and councils with Rebecca,Continue Reading

Dear Editor: In recent years the School Board of Lexington and Richland District 5 has been hampered by infighting and a lack of civility. We, along with many other citizens and families, wish to see a positive change in the way the School Board conducts its business and responds toContinue Reading

On November 3, 2020, there is a very important local election for the Lexington Richland School District Five Board of Trustees. Three seats are up this year and two incumbents are running for those seats along with a candidate they have endorsed for the third seat. Robert Gantt (Richland) andContinue Reading

Michael and I retired to SC after 9/11. We had lived and worked in NYC on   9/11. We decided to move to SC for a peaceful existence and to experience “The Southern Way” where “you have my word” and “hand shakes” were excepted over contracts. Reality is we are taxpayers andContinue Reading

Lexington County officials recently conducted in-person court activity for guilty pleas inside the Mark H. Westbrook Judicial Center. Safety measures and courtroom guidelines included mandatory face masks for participants and social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Judge Walton J. McLeod IV presided over proceedings last week, which included multipleContinue Reading

Vehicle and coffee enthusiasts come together each month near Irmo. Cars and Coffee takes place every second Saturday of the month, 7:30am-10:30am. The coffee vendor is Bart’s Crazy Good Coffee truck. The next event is planned for November 14. Cars and Coffee is held in the parking lot of AMCContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five will hold a virtual Magnet Fair on Thursday, November 12, 2020 giving families an opportunity to explore magnet offerings in the district. The virtual event will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and features a wide variety of programs, including the newest magnets thatContinue Reading