State Treasurer Curtis Loftis recently presented Jim Hudson, founder and principal of the Jim Hudson Automotive Group, with nearly $26,000 in unclaimed funds due to his business and various dealerships throughout the state. “I love returning unclaimed property to people across South Carolina, and I am certainly glad when weContinue Reading

Five Questions for S.C. Floodwater Commission Chairman Tom Mullikin By Alex Junes-Ward Less than two weeks after the statewide tree-planting effort, POWERPLANTSC, in which some 3.4-million loblolly pine tree seeds (and some saplings) were distributed to sites and organizations in all of South Carolina’s 46 counties, and planted on EarthContinue Reading

Today, Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement on introducing the No Taxpayer Funded Platform for Chinese Communist Act: “I am grateful to introduce this important piece of legislation that prevents U.S. taxpayer dollars from providing an open platform to representatives of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese CommunistContinue Reading

By CT McDonald With the lacrosse playoffs recently completed, other spring sports teams now take their turn at the post-season competition. Because of the abbreviated playoffs this year, only the two top teams from each region qualify for the playoffs in much of the spring sports competition, and there areContinue Reading

Local Company offers guided kayak tours of the Park. Carolina Outdoor Adventures began operating in the Spring of 2015. The company was started by Billy Easterbrooks after several years of hosting kayaking trips and event planning for friends. “We started with guided kayaking trips on the Congaree River and areContinue Reading

Damaging winds and hail tore across the county on Monday, May 4. Quarter and larger sized hail along with tornado watches and warnings until 4:15pm. Dominion Energy reported that more than 4200 were without power due to the storms. Stoney Pointe neighborhood in Chapin received high winds and bringing downContinue Reading

Have you missed browsing the shelves or your local library or book store? The Friends of the Irmo Branch Library have an opportunity for you to get out of the house and find that next great read. The Friends will hold a one-day-only Outdoor Used Book Sale Saturday, May 15,Continue Reading

Celebrate Freedom Foundation held a ribbon-cutting on Tuesday, May 4 at their facility in the Columbia Metro Airport. The Lexington Chamber of Commerce welcomed CFF as a new member of their organization and guests from all around the Midlands were in attendance. Fellow co-workers, along with veterans and students, watchedContinue Reading

Irmo Mayor Barry Walker, issued a proclamation declaring April 2021 as Child Abuse Prevention Month at the request of St. Andrews Woman’s Club. Pinwheels were planted in front of the Irmo Library on St. Andrew’s Road in recognition of Child Abuse Prevention Month. The pinwheels were then moved and plantedContinue Reading

The Optimist Club of St. Andrews-Irmo sustains a long-standing partnership with Palmetto Project and with its outreach efforts that benefit the Midlands. Nell Killoy, Deputy Director for the Midlands and Upstate for the Project, was the Optimists’ guest speaker April 16 where she described two programs that the Club supports.Continue Reading