By Congressman Joe Wilson Coronavirus Resources Our country is still working to recover from the pandemic and it is important to stay healthy and safe. Please continue following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines to help keep you, your family, and your friends protected against this disease. If you orContinue Reading

A lieutenant who serves in the Lexington County Detention Center has been recognized by the South Carolina Jail Administrators Association as the state’s top detention supervisor. Lt. Travis Felder has worked at the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department for 12 years. “We’re proud of Lt. Felder for receiving this award,” LexingtonContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch You’ll have an opportunity to safely dispose of your expired or unwanted prescription drugs this Saturday as part of National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. I want to personally invite you to use these collection sites from 10 am until 2 pm: • Sheriff’s Department Headquarters: 521 Gibson Rd.,Continue Reading

By CT McDonald The 2020-21 lacrosse playoffs head into the second-round competition this week with local teams still in the mix. Dutch Fork’s boys’ team defeated Socastee 16-0 in the first round home game on Tuesday to advance to today’s, Thursday’s, second round at Wando. It should look like aContinue Reading

We were “that” family, the family that everyone knew and thought of as the “perfect” family in our community. While we couldn’t imagine something like this happening to us, we could no longer deny our son’s drug addiction. It was no longer something that happened to other people, it wasContinue Reading

Seven teachers in District 5 schools received grants for their instructional projects thanks to Ken and Jondy Loveless who sponsored the Paddling for Teachers canoe event in October 2020. This was a fundraiser for the District 5 Foundation to support innovative teaching in District 5 classrooms. Paddling for Teachers providedContinue Reading

After the fast and furious week of meeting the crossover deadline, this week, the House returned to work… much of the work being done in committees and subcommittees. Here are a few highlights from legislation we dealt with. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about what we areContinue Reading

I Got My Covid Vaccine. I’m Free. Whoa. Danger Still Lurks. You have followed the science and not misinformation being distributed by conspiracy social media and news outlets. The CDC reports 50 percent of adult Americans have received one shot (25 percent are fully vaccinated). Based on our studies, weContinue Reading