Former Irmo Town Councilwoman and Mayor Pro Tem Kathy Condom was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Greater Irmo Chamber of Commerce Gala held on Friday, March 4. The chamber’s Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes an individual who has performed at an outstanding level of service and accomplishment throughoutContinue Reading

Nora Hanson of Columbia was recognized at the Statehouse February 24 for receiving two World Karate Titles at the North American Sport Karate Association’s Banquet held recently in Chicago. Hanson is a twelve-year-old straight A student at Irmo Middle School who also plays the violin and soccer. She earned herContinue Reading

School District Five physical education teacher, Amber Hege, has been elected as the Vice President-Elect of Physical Education on the 2021-2022 South Carolina Association of Physical Education and Sports (SCAPES) board. “I am honored to represent Middle-Level Physical Education and all students through SCAPES,” Hege said. “I look forward toContinue Reading

One student from Lexington-Richland School District Five was one of 11 middle and high school students this year to be named a Carolina Master Scholar Ava Grant from Spring Hill High School was part of the 18th graduating class earning the designation Carolina Master Scholar for her successful completion ofContinue Reading

Isaac Archer Case, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Roger Case of Irmo, South Carolina, was awarded a Master of Engineering from the University of South Carolina on Monday, December 15, 2021. Case’ degree is in Biomedical Engineering. Case graduates with a 3.95 gpa.Continue Reading

The former Irmo Sertoma Club recently held a meeting at the British Bulldog Pub Restaurant in Irmo and presented the past president Trevor Woodlief with a Past President’s Plaque. The plaque is presented to Trevor by Larry R. Scott, Secretary-Treasurer.Continue Reading

S.C. Black Belt Hall of Fame inductees from Columbia participate in a ceremony By Alex Junes-Ward Global Eco Adventures (GEA) honored three of their expedition project leaders and a Missouri-based military writer with the title, IRONMAN, during ceremonies at the Mullikin Law Firm complex in Camden, S.C., Thurs. Sept. 16:Continue Reading

River Springs principal Matt Gams announced at a ceremony held at River Springs that the 2019-2020 River Springs Teacher of the Year was kindergarten teacher Phyllis Griggs. Gams said, “I am happy to present Mrs. Griggs with this honor as she has exemplified incredible dedication to her students and toContinue Reading