Preventing military veterans’ suicides deemed a priority By W. Thomas Smith Jr. The American Legion’s National Commander Vincent J. Troiola addressed a senior-echelon gathering of business, military, and law enforcement leaders during the monthly meeting-luncheon of the Association of the United States Army’s (AUSA) Fort Jackson-Palmetto State Chapter at FortContinue Reading

Michael Lutz joined the Air Force in May of 1995. He became an E3 and served in Korea under a hardship temporary duty. His duty was to reopen the Kwangju Air Force Base which had been closed for years. Lutz served as runway and airplane security during his deployment. HeContinue Reading

It was the Saturday in November 1999, following that Thursday’s Veterans Day Parade in Columbia, when three friends and veterans were having lunch to reflect on a wonderful week. Something was apparent and missing. A mere three thousand folks attended the parade to honor the several hundred veterans who hadContinue Reading