As a lifelong resident of Irmo, Dutch Fork High School graduate, and now the parent of a future Lex/Rich 5 student, I have a very strong desire to see the district continue to thrive. While I acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of the current School Board, I believe that itContinue Reading

On November 3, 2020, our community has a very important election for three new members on the Lexington Richland District 5 School Board. Two incumbents are running again. Robert Gantt (Richland County) is running for his sixth 4-year term on the school board. Michael Cates (Lexington County) is running forContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Three of my sons attended District 5 schools. They attended Irmo elementary and middle schools, and graduated from Dutch Fork High School. My grandson is a first grader now, and I am holding my breath. Why? Because I’ve watched and been a part of this district for 26Continue Reading

To whom it may Concern, I am writing to express my support for Lexington County Candidate, Rebecca Hines, for Rich/Lex School District 5. Rebecca Hines has been a servant leader to the Irmo/Chapin Community since I’ve known her, especially the business community. Having served on boards and councils with Rebecca,Continue Reading

Dear Editor: In recent years the School Board of Lexington and Richland District 5 has been hampered by infighting and a lack of civility. We, along with many other citizens and families, wish to see a positive change in the way the School Board conducts its business and responds toContinue Reading

On November 3, 2020, there is a very important local election for the Lexington Richland School District Five Board of Trustees. Three seats are up this year and two incumbents are running for those seats along with a candidate they have endorsed for the third seat. Robert Gantt (Richland) andContinue Reading

Michael and I retired to SC after 9/11. We had lived and worked in NYC on   9/11. We decided to move to SC for a peaceful existence and to experience “The Southern Way” where “you have my word” and “hand shakes” were excepted over contracts. Reality is we are taxpayers andContinue Reading