Blaisdell Aplin, recent graduate of Dutch Fork High School and daughter of Susan and Ben Aplin, is the recipient of PAGE Five’s annual $1,000 merit scholarship. She will be attending the South Carolina Honors College at the University of South Carolina where she will major in business. She also plansContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five has named longtime administrator Erin Doty the new principal of CrossRoads Intermediate School. She was approved for her new post during a school board meeting July 13. Doty previously served as the assistant principal of instruction at Irmo Middle School. She also served as assistant principalContinue Reading

River Springs principal Matt Gams announced at a ceremony held at River Springs that the 2019-2020 River Springs Teacher of the Year was kindergarten teacher Phyllis Griggs. Gams said, “I am happy to present Mrs. Griggs with this honor as she has exemplified incredible dedication to her students and toContinue Reading