Palmetto State Families Suffering from Inflation; Tourism Industry Hurt by High Gas Prices Rebecca Blackburn Hines, Conservative Republican candidate for South Carolina House District 85 from Irmo and Chapin called for a suspension of the state gas tax in light of skyrocketing inflation and bad economic decisions from the BidenContinue Reading

Costs for everyday products and services continue to rise and Americans are suffering as a result. The Reality. Sadly, it is very clear that U.S. inflation has reached a 40-year high of 8.5 percent this year. This is an astounding figure and one we all feel in our pocketbooks. Unfortunately,Continue Reading

During Richland County Council’s May 17 meeting, Council Chair Overture Walker presented a resolution recognizing May 15-21 as National EMS Week and honoring Richland County Emergency Medical Services employees. The county’s EMS department includes more than 200 emergency medical technicians, paramedics, physicians and administrators and is one of the busiestContinue Reading

Richland County Council is accepting applications for openings on more than a dozen volunteer boards. Currently, 18 Richland County boards, commissions, committees and advisory councils have at least one vacancy. Council will accept applications until 5 pm June 3, with appointments tentatively beginning June 7. Those interested in learning moreContinue Reading

Lexington County Councilwoman Charli Wessinger has endorsed Republican Catherine Huddle in the race for the S.C. House District 85 seat. Wessinger, a Republican, said Huddle’s fiscal conservatism and financial background make her the best choice to serve Irmo-Chapin taxpayers. “I am excited to support Catherine Huddle to represent me andContinue Reading

May 16, 2022 As our regular session has ended, for those of you who have not heard, I am retiring from my service in the House and will not seek re-election. Of course, I will represent our great District 85, until the election in November decides my successor. Honor andContinue Reading

by Al Dozier A crowd of Irmo citizens and residents from neighboring communities sounded off at Tuesday’s town council meeting against a zoning change they say would wreak havoc on their neighborhoods. “It will open up a Pandora’s box,” said Greg Zimmerman. People are going to hate it.” “Keep theContinue Reading

The public will soon have the chance to give feedback on Richland County’s operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which runs from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. An in-person public hearing is scheduled for 6 pm May 19 in Council Chambers at the Richland County Administrative Building,Continue Reading