I was glad to learn that Barb Waldman is running for a seat on the Irmo Town Council.  She’s just the kind of person who will benefit the work of the Council.  I’ve known Barb for over ten years and I know her to be dependable, honest, thoughtful about whatContinue Reading

It is with a great deal of pleasure that I endorse and support Bill Danielson for Irmo Town Council. I have known Bill for many years and in many different capacities. Serving with Bill on the Glenforest School Board for 3 years really showed me his leadership skills. (Glenforest SchoolContinue Reading

It’s easy to support Dr. Barb Waldman for Irmo Town Council. Involvement is one word that describes Barb. This candidate would bring a broad background of knowledge and experience that can be applied to Irmo Council meetings and activities. She has historically been involved. As a graduate with a PhDContinue Reading

I am an Irmo business owner and have lived in the Friarsgate community since 1981. I have seen many changes in our town and communities, some good and some bad, and I believe Irmo needs to re-elect Bill Danielson. Bill understands business and has proven it while serving on TownContinue Reading

Barb Waldman is totally qualified as a candidate for Irmo Town Council! She brings no political agenda with her and works very hard to represent all people fairly.  Barb is a longtime resident who has invested tremendous amounts of quality time with School District Five over many years as aContinue Reading

1. Haley knows that our district has spent millions building a new high school will low enrollment and buying properties we don’t need, while our older schools need millions in repairs. Her opponent is supported by the leaders and developers who made those decisions. (See “Fiscal Responsibility” at https://www.haleygriggsford5.com/issues 2.Continue Reading

In the Spring of 2020, like many in our district, I took interest in the district’s operations. Having two kids at two separate Irmo schools in sore need of $28 million dollars in repairs each appalled me. Our board of trustees at that time focused more on building beautiful, newContinue Reading

Well, apparently the question that was originally posed, “What exactly would it take to find some, any unity at all amongst our fellow Americans?” has no answer. One wonders if this country is irreparably doomed by the political divisions that exist. In a close examination of the current campaign forContinue Reading