I have served on this school board for over 15 years. During that time I have always worked for the benefit of all of our students and staff, as well as our taxpayers.                                                       Years ago I fought for rebuilding the old academic portion of Irmo High School. That shouldContinue Reading

I am proud to report our superintendent and our school board is committed to exploring additional ways to support our teachers. During the school board meeting last Monday, Dr. Ross presented a plan to create new ideas that can support our teachers because we know they are faced with newContinue Reading

Open Letter Over the weekend I had a chance to read Ms. Hammond’s response to her ethics violations in the Irmo News (April 28 edition). In her letter Ms. Hammond appears to take every opportunity to minimize the seriousness of her violations and make excuses for them. We know herContinue Reading

It is important to me for the public to know the whole truth concerning ethics complaints filed against me by 2 community members, neither of whom I know. One person requested from D5 all e-mails sent to me during a certain time period and the other person combed through pastContinue Reading

The time is fast approaching when the funding of state K-12 education for the foreseeable future will bedetermined. There are competing versions of the funding bills in the General Assembly House ofRepresentatives and Senate which will likely be resolved in a conference committee before thegovernor’s possible signature. Most board membersContinue Reading

Dear Editor, As I look over my calendar for this spring, I’m so impressed by the number of new events in Irmo. When my husband and I moved here in 2009, the only civic celebration that we knew of was the Okra Strut. We had to travel to either LexingtonContinue Reading

Richland County property owners are urged to attend the County Council meeting on April 19 to compel denial of controversial mass rezoning. Concerned citizens in Richland County are being urged to attend the Council meeting on April 19, 6 pm at Richland County Administration Bldg, 2020 Hampton St. because ofContinue Reading

by Kenneth B Loveless and Cathy Huddle Tax increases, staff shortages and larger classes may be result Most new citizens came to our community primarily for our great schools and our schools provide thebackbone of our way of life. But a new school funding formula has passed in the budgetContinue Reading