The goodness of the American people is codified in the Fair Housing Act. The act in essence states that every effort will be made to allow those with disabilities the physical comforts and conveniences necessary to lead normal and productive lives. An unfortunate situation in Irmo came to light nearlyContinue Reading

There have been numerous accusations made about sitting District 5 school board trustees accepting campaign donations through the years from firms who are or could potentially do business with the school district. I have been watching this closely, because even though the SC Ethics Commission allows and places a limitContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Congressman Joe Wilson’s slogan Joe Means Jobs is very appropriate in my opinion. My grandson asked me, ten years ago, when he was eight years old, who this Joe Means Jobs guy was. I explained to him who Joe was and what he means to SC. Ever sinceContinue Reading

October 22,2020  This is what we know. The Education Reporter was published by Positive Voices for District 5 Success.  The address listed as 7320 Broad River Road, Suite K-225, Irmo, SC 29063 is at a UPS Store. The owner of  K-225 is someone with the last name of White. IncorporationContinue Reading

There are several reasons for a needed change on the current school board. The most important one is the lack of fiscal responsibility. Another is the lack of planning and equity spending on our existing schools in the Irmo area. One example was the decision made to spend money onContinue Reading

I have read that some members of the public believe that where a trustee lives somehow effects the leadership that they might bring to the board. This district is relatively small in geographic area. Do you really believe that someone running for the board would not have concern for students,Continue Reading

If anyone wants cooperation, transparency, accountability and civility on our School Board, then Huddle and Hines in Lexington County and Matt Hogan in Richland will be your choice in 2 weeks. Those that control the board now have no desire for any of this. Huddle, Hines and Hogan all haveContinue Reading

Dear Editor, I am writing today about the current election for the open positions on the Lexington-Richland School District Five board. My familiarity with District 5 goes back a number of years. My wife and I moved to Irmo 38 years ago and we have lived in Chapin for theContinue Reading

With respect to the school board, I have seen it written lately by supporters of the “way we have always done it” that present and new members of the board will not have the proper experience to propel our school district’s students to the next level. Not only have theContinue Reading