Chief Dale Commends Heroic Actions of Senior Corporal Kaderly in Recent Apartment Fire

In a recent statement addressing the courageous actions of Senior Corporal Christopher Kaderly, Chief Dale of the Irmo Police Department expressed pride and admiration for the officer’s exemplary response to an apartment fire at Irmo Village Apartments.

Chief Dale began by acknowledging the multifaceted role that police officers play within the community, emphasizing their vital contributions beyond the scope of traditional law enforcement duties. The incident at Irmo Village Apartments served as a poignant reminder of the extensive responsibilities shouldered by officers in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.

“Last night,” Chief Dale stated, “we were reminded that police officers are relied upon to do so much in the community.” It was during this challenging situation that Senior Corporal Christopher Kaderly exemplified the true essence of a dedicated public servant.

Upon learning that there was an occupant trapped inside the burning apartment, S/CPL. Kaderly’s response was immediate and decisive. Chief Dale praised Kaderly’s quick action, stating, “Learning that there was an occupant of the burning apartment, S/CPL. Kaderly made entry without hesitation.” This courageous decision undoubtedly placed Kaderly in harm’s way, highlighting his commitment to protecting and serving the community.

James Ray Wright II, 45, of Irmo was pronounced dead at the scene of a December 30 apartment fire shortly after 7:15 pm at Irmo Village Apartments on Chipwood Court.

Chief Dale continued to commend Senior Corporal Kaderly for his bravery, emphasizing the inherent risks involved in entering a burning building. “S/CPL. Kaderly was able to drag the victim from the burning apartment,” Chief Dale stated. Despite the unfortunate likelihood that the victim had already succumbed to the fire, Kaderly’s actions demonstrated a level of courage that goes beyond the ordinary call of duty.

“I am proud of him, and his bravery was truly impressive during the incident,” Chief Dale concluded. The chief’s pride and appreciation for Senior Corporal Kaderly’s heroic actions echoed the sentiments of a community grateful for the dedication and fearlessness exhibited by its law enforcement officers.