Midlands-based non-profit directing coastal clean-up initiative By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Cheyenne Cunningham, a graduate assistant at the College of Charleston, is directing Global Eco Adventures (GEA) efforts to “clean up” four designated beaches around the world, during WORLD OCEAN DAY, June 8, 2022. GEA, a Midlands-based nonprofit with officesContinue Reading

“IFGC” is publicly releasing the awards provided to businesses in Irmo The Board of Irmo Future Growth is pleased to share additional information regarding the details of grant recipients. The IFGC hopes that by providing this information concerns around transparency can be alleviated – and that the focus can returnContinue Reading

By Congressman Joe Wilson Why does Ukraine matter for American families? Simply put: energy prices, inflation, and the empowerment of our adversaries across the world. Putin wants to recreate the Soviet empire, divide our allies in Europe, and expand his malign influence across the globe. Rather than President Trump’s approachContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five teacher Kurt Stiglbauer has been recognized by South Carolina Treasurer Curtis Loftis as the South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teacher Program’s Educator of the Month for January. “Our South Carolina Financial Literacy Master Teachers exhibit both the passion to help students create strong financial habits and theContinue Reading

Residents were upset with a proposed zoning change that would allow 74 townhouse units to be built near Palmetto Wood Parkway in Irmo. At the Irmo Town Planning Commission meeting on Monday, January 31 nearly 60 in attendance voiced grievances about noise levels, traffic congestion and privacy issues. “All ofContinue Reading

Akil E. Ross, Sr, Ed.D.Superintendent I am honored to be named superintendent of School District Five of Lexington and RichlandCounties. The tradition of excellence of the schools is a direct reflection of the amazing supportour community provides to the schools. As a result, I intend to use this platform toContinue Reading

Ian Emmer a junior at Dutch Fork High School has been selected for the 2022 High School Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall. Emmer will perform cello in February with the Honors String Orchestra. Participation in one of the five Honors Ensembles is limited to the highest-rated high school performersContinue Reading