You’re running errands, bringing in groceries, heading back in the house to grab something—whatever the reason, you’ve left your car unlocked. Maybe you left a set of spare keys in the glove compartment as a backup. I get it, you’re busy and you shouldn’t have to lock your vehicle becauseContinue Reading

“Death’s Shadow,” a virtual performance presented by the Friends of the Irmo Branch Library Join the Friends of the Irmo Branch Library for an evening of murder, mystery and fun as they bring you an interactive murder mystery play, “Death’s Shadow.” The production will come directly to your own livingContinue Reading

Chief Terrence Green would like to let the Town of Lexington community know that an arrest was made minutes after an armed robbery that happened overnight at the 7 Eleven located at 4301 Sunset Boulevard.     At approximately 4:00 a.m., officers were dispatched to the 7 Eleven for an armedContinue Reading

It’s never too early to start thinking about and preparing for college! To assist parents of elementary through middle school students with this process, Parent Advocates for Gifted Education in Lexington-Richland School District Five (PAGE Five) will host a webinar entitled “How to Plan and Pay for College 101” onContinue Reading

The Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET) announced that a driver who is employed by their subcontractor, RATP Dev USA, Inc., tested positive for the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19. The driver operated routes 77 and 6 on Monday, 9/7; Soda Cap 1 on Tuesday, 9/8 and last workedContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement on the announcement of a normalization agreement between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain:   “Today’s announcement of a US-brokered peace agreement between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain is an achievement of historic proportions. I want to commend President Donald Trump forContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five held its annual First in Five Teacher Shower September 4 to welcome first-year educators to the district and shower them with supplies and support. This year’s shower was held as a drive-thru event, with principals and other staff cheering on the new educators. Now in itsContinue Reading

The Irmo Library has new hours where you can come inside and pick up items you put on hold plus browse a selection of items.  There are new books, manga, graphic novels, audio, and DVD binge bundles waiting for you. Hours are currently: Monday – Thursday, 10 am – 7 pm;Continue Reading

Agents of the S.C. Law Enforcement Division are investigating an incident from September 5 in which shots were fired during a confrontation between a man and deputy from Lexington County Sheriff’s Department who was responding to a domestic violence call. The deputy was injured and taken to the hospital withContinue Reading

Dontray Jemison and Jim Mosteller (recreation deacon at Cornerstone church) organized a basketball tournament. Six teams played in a round robin and then a single elimination championship, for a total of eight games. Many of the players had played basketball for Irmo High School, but there were players from allContinue Reading