Things look a little different this time around. Later start dates; some children staying at home, some attending half-weeks. One thing is for certain: more traffic. Many families have already or will begin to start new routines. They’ll be on the roads at different times and will be congregating aroundContinue Reading

Nursery Road Elementary School-Arts Magnet (NRES-AM) has received a $10,000 Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) grant from the SC Arts Commission for the 4th consecutive year.The ABC grant provides three years of support to schools and school districts committed to implementing standards-based arts curricula and to making the arts anContinue Reading

Lauren Svensen, APRN, FNP-C, a family nurse practitioner, recently opened Spirit Primary Care in Murraywood Centre. The health clinic is designed for adults that are in need of affordable healthcare. The direct primary care method offers an affordable membership fee of $75 per month and patients may visit the clinicContinue Reading

Open Letter Did you know you can see your work history online all the way back to your first job? Your earnings history is a record of your progress toward your Social Security benefits. We keep track of your earnings so we can pay you the benefits you’ve earned overContinue Reading

A former correctional officer at the Lexington County Detention Center has been charged with malicious injury to property for her alleged role in damaging a woman’s car and home in June. Dominique Simone Morton, 28, is charged with two counts of malicious injury to personal property, according to arrest warrants.Continue Reading

Following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local public health authorities, Congaree National Park is increasing access and services. The National Park Service (NPS) is working service-wide with federal, state, and local public health authorities to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemicContinue Reading

After receiving final approval from the South Carolina Commerce Department, The Big Red Barn Retreat has announced the 3rd Annual Summer Jam concert presented by Sonic DriveIn. The concert will be held on September 18 from 7 – 10:30 pm at the Palmetto Citizens Amphitheater at Doko Meadows Park inContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson released the following statement on voting against the USPS Fairness Act:  “Although I did vote for the Republican motion to recommit with instructions, I ultimately voted against the USPS Fairness Act. It is disappointing that House Democrats refused to work with Republicans and instead put forward a partisanContinue Reading

Saying Thank you and Goodbye to a True Irmo Gentleman Randy Jones was a private and modest man who asked for no ‘hoopla’ upon his death.  He just wanted to fade away, unnoticed. After a fierce and brutal battle with cancer, Randy’s body has finally said goodbye to his Soul.Continue Reading