Sgt. Trent Williams was promoted to Patrol Lieutenant on Thursday, August 31 at the Irmo Police Department Headquarters. Williams has been with IPD since 2009 and has been in law enforcement since 1999. Williams left Irmo in 2010 to serve as a police trainer and advisor in both Afghanistan andContinue Reading

The Irmo Police Department Community Foundation, officers of the Irmo Police Department, and the Town of Irmo would like to thank and recognize their business partners and individuals for their support and sponsorship of National Night Out 2023. This year was another huge success, and it would not have beenContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Irmo Mayor Barry Walker Sr. expressed concerns at Tuesday’s council meeting that the yellow road stripes are fading on several roads in the Irmo area, posing a safety hazard to motorists. Walker said he has heard several citizens complain about the problem, and urged the council toContinue Reading

Effective immediately, you can only make a right turn onto Lake Murray Boulevard from Woodrow Street. No more left turns onto Lake Murray Blvd or going straight through the intersection from Woodrow Street. You also will not be able to turn left onto Woodrow Street from Lake Murray Boulevard. ThisContinue Reading

The Criminal Investigations Division of the Irmo Police Department is currently working on a rash of vehicle break-ins within the New Friarsgate Neighborhood. It appears multiple individuals are involved and every car that was “broken” into was unlocked. Money, cell phones and guns have been taken out of these unlockedContinue Reading

There is some important news about permanent changes to the traffic pattern at the intersection of Woodrow Street and Lake Murray Boulevard. Over the years, the transition from Woodrow Street to Lake Murray Boulevard (east and west) has become increasingly dangerous for motorists. As part of the rehabilitation of theContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Despite strong opposition from Mayor Barry Walker, The Irmo Town Council Tuesday approved a measure that will allow council members to attend council meetings electronically. The measure was approved after Councilwoman Barbara Waldman added restrictions to the ordinance that would assure remote participation would include the sameContinue Reading

The Town of Irmo held an Independence Day Laser Show on Monday, July 3rd in the Community Park of Irmo. A large crowd gathered for the show which included free hot dogs provided by Capital Building Services and fireworks.. Gates opened at 7 pm and the show started at 9Continue Reading