The Richland County Election Commission has released updated polling location information regarding the special election for a vacant seat on the Lexington-Richland School District Five School Board. Precincts are in Irmo and Chapin areas. Check for candidate information, your voting status, and polling location. The following precincts and polling places will beContinue Reading

In the Spring of 2020, like many in our district, I took interest in the district’s operations. Having two kids at two separate Irmo schools in sore need of $28 million dollars in repairs each appalled me. Our board of trustees at that time focused more on building beautiful, newContinue Reading

Well, apparently the question that was originally posed, “What exactly would it take to find some, any unity at all amongst our fellow Americans?” has no answer. One wonders if this country is irreparably doomed by the political divisions that exist. In a close examination of the current campaign forContinue Reading

In early August, I was approached by several in the community about running in the October 12th special election for the Lexington-Richland District Five Board of Trustees. They expressed that my educational background and work experience would make me a valuable resource to the board and the various issues the district isContinue Reading

Billy Warren, Lexington County resident and businessman has announced he is running for the office of Lexington County Sheriff in the 2024 election cycle. He is promoting crime prevention by having a proactive Sheriff Department that puts the public first. He said he has the experience to make that changeContinue Reading

Mayor Barry Walker told the town council at their workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 5 that the Broad River Road lane widening project is back on thanks to negotiations with Richland County Council. The widening will create 5 lanes from Royal Tower Rd. to the fork at Broad River and DutchContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Three candidates are seeking a seat on the Lexington-Richland School District 5 school board in a special election scheduled for Oct. 12. Nurse practitioner Haley Griggs, financial consultant Jeff Herring, and Dutch Fork Middle School improvement council member Tifani Moore are in the race for the RichlandContinue Reading

“ARPA funds are on the way,” declared Mayor Barry A. Walker at the Tuesday, September 21 Irmo Town Council meeting. The 2.5 million dollars the town will receive is a portion of the American Rescue Plan Act that became effective back in March. It allows counties, cities and municipalities toContinue Reading

To all Lexington/Richland District 5 people voting in the special election to fill the current vacancy on the school board.     I have reviewed all three candidates running for the Lexington/Richland 5 School Board seat on October 12, 2021.  This vacancy was created when Ed White resigned.  In looking at the credentialsContinue Reading