Richland County’s Finance Department again has earned the highest honor in governmental accounting and financial reporting. For the 37th consecutive year, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) awarded the Richland County Finance Department with the organization’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. An impartial panel recognized the CountyContinue Reading

Richland County Government offices will be closed this Monday, January 18 for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The County’s C&D Landfill, Clemson Road Drop-off Recycling Site and Lower Richland Drop-off Center will also be closed. Schedules for curbside trash and recycling collection will not be affected. The County’s Jim Hamilton-L.B.Continue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement on voting against impeachment: “The horrific violence that took place at the Capitol last week should never be repeated. American leadership should not divide our country but instead unite it. President Donald Trump has agreed to a peaceful transition of power and impeachingContinue Reading

The newsletter on my work in Congress as the Representative for South Carolina’s Second District. Coronavirus ResourcesOur country is still working to recover from the pandemic and it is important to stay healthy and safe. Please continue following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines to help keep you, your family,Continue Reading

The Richland County Conservation Commission is making grants worth up to $50,000 available for projects that aim to protect and preserve the county’s rich land and historic places. Nonprofits, neighborhood organizations, governmental agencies, commercial entities and other institutions can apply for the Historic Preservation and Community Conservation grants, which requireContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement: “As a former Lexington County Election Commissioner, not just as a Member of Congress, I am disgusted at the irregularities in the 2020 presidential election. The failure to validate signatures, the omission of witnesses, the interruption of counting before completion, the denial ofContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson This year has been unlike any year in recent history. As a country, we have experienced trying times as we navigated through 2020. My prayers and sympathy are with all families impacted by these trying times. I am grateful that we are on a path to recoveryContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Small businesses struggling to get by because of the COVID-19 pandemic could find some relief through a program approved Tuesday by the Irmo Town Council. The council approved a $125,000 allocation to the Irmo Future Growth Corporation, which will provide loans to small businesses in the IrmoContinue Reading

On Arbor Day, December 5, the Town of Irmo planted four holly trees (Eagleston) on the corner of Woodrow Street and Palmetto Woods Pkwy. The trees will grow to be 25 feet tall and 20 feet wide. “The planting is one of the requirements to be a Tree City USAContinue Reading