Golf tournament fundraiser meets goals to provide backing for programs The SC Philharmonic presented its 12th annual Golfing with the Phil tournament on October 11, 2021, at The Wildewood Country Club. Under the leadership of event co-chairs Tom Fortson and Mike Kelly, the tournament was a sell-out and raised $25,000 forContinue Reading

The Dutch Fork High School Silver Foxes faced off against the Lexington High School Wildcats on October 22. The Silver Foxes won 49-3. Photo by Chris Record, GoFlashWin.comContinue Reading

Come out to Steve Padgett’s Honda of Lake Murray at 5:00 pm on Halloween, October 31, 2021, and have a SPOOKTACULAR TIME! Wear your costumes and join the fun. Sponsored by the Town of Irmo and Hosted by Steve Padgett’s Honda of Lake Murray. The Irmo Police Department Community FoundationContinue Reading

Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for about 70 million Americans will increase 5.9 percent in 2022, the Social Security Administration has announced. The 5.9 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits payable to more than 64 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2022. Increased payments toContinue Reading

The Lexington Richland 5 School Board has been working hard and doing whatever it takes to ensure all students receive a quality education with equity among facilities as well as differentiated educational resources depending on individual needs that may be unique to each school. We appreciate Dr. Ross as heContinue Reading

Members of St. Andrews Woman’s Club worked to help beautify the grounds of Leeza’s Care Connection by planting pansies and other winter annuals. Thanks go to Seven Oaks Plant Shop for providing the plants and soil to make the project possible. Participating were (l to r) Debbie Bell, Jan Mitchell,Continue Reading

No matter where you find yourself along life’s journey, you are encouraged to consider sharing your gifts of time, talent, treasure, and voice with our young people through our local schools. In the third column in this series, we explore the idea that you have talents to be shared asContinue Reading