Koon’s Watch Summer weather means more people out and about; more time to enjoy outdoor activities like walking. Whether it’s walking down a city block, a country road or a suburban sidewalk, everyone is a pedestrian at some point during the day. And like drivers, pedestrians have a responsibility toContinue Reading

By CT McDonald Lexington Post 7 made it to last week’s South Carolina American Legion Baseball (ALB) state finals before being eliminated while Chapin/Newberry Post 193/24 and West Columbia Post 79 completed their seasons in the week leading up to the finals tournament. Post 7 took an early 2-0 leadContinue Reading

For Chanda Cooper, conservation education analyst with the Richland Soil and Water Conservation District (RSWCD), a career path in the environmental field proved to be a natural fit. Cooper was recently recognized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for being among the first class of Ernest F. HollingsContinue Reading

Opinion By Congressman Joe Wilson The newsletter on my work in Congress as the Representative for South Carolina’s Second District. A Country in Crisis Under President Biden, our country is in crisis. Our border is out of control, crime rates are surging, and record inflation is costing American families. OnContinue Reading

Irmo Police Chief Courtney Dennis on Monday announced The Irmo Police have located a suspicious device near the intersection of Cressfell Road and Chapelwhite Road near the entrance into the Hidden Oaks subdivision. During the search, the bridge into the neighborhood had to be shut down until the suspicious deviceContinue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Runners participating in GUARDIANS OF THE NIGHT 2021, a 5K road race in support of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department’s (RCSD) K9 teams (dogs and handlers), turned out in record numbers, Sat. evening, July 31. Approximately 550 runners of all skill levels and walkers, manyContinue Reading

Part 2—Preparing to See Your Doctor By Mike DuBose and Surb Guram, MD Experts have differing opinions on how often you should see your primary doctor, especially when you are well and symptom-free. We recommend one annual wellness exam with blood analysis, preferably by an internist. Separate visits to theContinue Reading

State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman has announced the funding of several early childhood education and parenting support initiatives as part of South Carolina’s response to the impact of COVID-19 on the state’s education system. The funding comes from the South Carolina Department of Education’s $211 million set aside fromContinue Reading

Hire Me SC — a statewide workforce development campaign to increase employment outcomes for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities — has launched a free online resource for families of people with disabilities. The employment gap between those with disabilities in South Carolina compared to those without is 42.2Continue Reading

The American Red Cross has an emergency need for blood amid the ongoing severe blood shortage. Blood and platelet donations continue to be critical to meet hospital demand and the public is urged to make an appointment to give now. The Red Cross has been distributing about 12 percent moreContinue Reading

You can purchase computers, clothes, school supplies, and a variety of other items free of Sales Tax during South Carolina’s annual 72-hour Sales Tax Holiday August 6 – 8. Eligible items can be bought online and in-store without paying the state’s 6 percent Sales Tax and any applicable local taxesContinue Reading