Elvis Is Dead and I Don’t Feel So Good Myself is a nostalgic account of Lewis Grizzard’s efforts to survive in a changing world. However, I do not think Grizzard could have ever anticipated the changes of this current world in which we are forced to live. And, I don’tContinue Reading

We make a significant investment in our children through the public school systems. We expect the educational standards to be high, but we also expect for the philosophical standards to represent the highest form of American values. Among those values are “color-blindness,” “equality,” and “merit”: values that exemplify the DeclarationContinue Reading

Joe (Cornpop) Biden is now the first US President to claim the official title of — SURRENDER MONKEY The seven months of the Biden presidency reveal a theme of surrender. Surrender is to give up possession of something to another or to give up to some influence or idea. PresidentContinue Reading

By Tom Mullikin It’s been nearly two decades since that fateful September morning in 2001 when four commercial airliners were hijacked by Al Qaeda terrorists and flown into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Northern Virginia, and a grassy field in Pennsylvania. Two major wars andContinue Reading

As a long-term Uber/Lyft driver with over 8000 rides given, here is my perspective. I recently received an email from Lyft regarding lobbyists trying to persuade SC lawmakers into more regulations that protect the drivers. I’ve seen over the past several years changes that for the most part are negativeContinue Reading